

Are fire gobys good fish? Since theyre pretty small can you get a couple of them with other fish like other gobys, grammas, or blennys?


I've had a firefish with a gramma, no problems. Make sure you have enough hidding places for all fish. Purple firefish are very cool, and seem pretty hardy once established.


Hello,I would put the firefsh in the tank first and the gramma make that your last one.


Active Member
firefish are natural schoolers. what other fish are in the 30 gal? lets say if this is just a species tank i would say about 4 of the little guys. they should be ok with the gramma as long as the gramma is added last. grammas can get pretty agressive though. yeah purple firefish are cool as are some other one that starts with an "h", its something like hielfrichi or something. bo
[ June 17, 2001: Message edited by: Grouperhead ]


Active Member
With Firefish remember they like their own kind. I have had them always in 2's except the male of my reef pair died and the female has been in there alone for months and seems ok. There is a Royal in there also and it hides more then the firefish. I did have a pair of purples and they were just great but lost them during a ick outbreak in another tank awhile back.


i have one, should i have another?
its a regular, what if i put in a purple one...?


I've read that in the wild they fight until all dies or until one of them remain supreme and leads the group. In captivity it's recommended that you either have one or pairs. From my experience, they are very hardy. They are very resistant to dieseases if you provide very good hiding places. If you don't give them the hiding stress relief they will breakout with sickness, not eat, and die, like most fish. I have one and he's been a super good eater and doing very well. :D


again ,,,, gettin' down to it,,,,, how many in a tank..... lots of people say so many inches per gallon,,,, but if you have (and maintain) good water perameters, filtration, and do not over feed, you can get away with more per gallon, and also what else you have in the tank,,,,, 4-5 fire fish is good.


I dont any fish yet. I was just curious if I could put those fish in a 30g, and curious to what else could go in there, if anything.