First ACRO


Active Member

Originally posted by Marco333
I purchased my first Acropora coral this weekend...How does it look and what type of food is best for it?

Hmm, I wonder about this thread:thinking:
Did you do any research on Acro's yet? Is this in your 10 gal tank? what kind of lighitng do you have for this coral?


that is a Larry jackson tri color acro, although an easy acro still need high lights and stable tank, please research


Active Member
pc lighting is not gonna cut it when you are dealing with acros. They need the intensity of metal halides, sorry for the bad news


Active Member
How does it look
Looks brown.
that is a Larry jackson tri color acro
How can you tell from that pic?:notsure:
I have 96 watts pc on the 10 gallen tank
ot intense enough. Can you get a MH on that puppy?


Active Member
IME, its going to be very hard to keep the water quality you need for acros in a 10 gal tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by Marco333
I purchased my first Acropora coral this weekend...How does it look and what type of food is best for it?

I doubt it will ever color up with your lighting and its very easy to overfeed in a 10g. which will cause high nutrients resulting in a brown colored coral. I'd also keep on top off yer calcium-alk-ph you need to balance those out if you want to see it grow it all but your probably not gonna see a whole lotta growth with those lights.. You don't need to feed it other then stuff that is already in your water acros just eat up a lot of calcium. Please research next time before you buy something. But you could always upgrade your lighting to a 70 watt hqi or preferably a 150 watt hqi.:D