First Anemone Question



Just got our first anemone and wondering what the best way is to put him in the tank after acclimation. Right now it is sticking to the bucket and I dont want to hurt it by pulling it off. Do they cling on tight like snails do? Do I just use a net to put it in the tank with? Should I put it on a rock or just let it float to where it wants to go?
Just use your hand to get him out if you can. Anemones can be quite persistent if they don't want to be moved. You won't hurt him just get underneath him and gently pull him off. Then you can take him in both hands and place him in the tank. Turn off the powerheads for a while so it can get attached to a rock. It will move around a bit so make sure it doesn't get into the powerhead.


Thanks!!! He came right off and into the tank without any problems :joy:


Its a condy. My LFS guy told me that is a good one to start out with. I was real impressed that he wanted me to get a cheap one over an expensive one. Plus I thought the store was open until 5 and really it was only open to 4. When I pulled up the guy was leaving and got out of his car and said HEY come on in and take your time. He opened the store back up and more people came in. I think it made his day because he brought in a bunch of money just because I was late :)
Thanks Again


New Member
my 2 cents worth. I got a curly Q anenome for my first just a few weeks ago, and it is just really neat to watch. and really enjoys a crevice I have in my rock. It goes their at night and comes out after I turn my lights on in the morning. It is really cool.


What type of lighting do you have on your tank. We really want anemone and I don't think we have good enough lighting.
Thanks, Nancy


New Member
Hi Nancy
I have 2 coralife lights, and I think they are both 65 watts. So far they have work well with my tank, and like I may have said it is only a 30 gallon tank. I think I paid like $83.00 for each light. hope that helps you.
Have a great night/day


We have custom sea life smart life 2x65, I just don't know if they will do ok. I will have to do some research. Thanks for your time.