First Anenome questions


Hello - I am considering getting an anemone for my aquarium. I have a couple of questions though:
1. How long does everyone recommend waiting after tank set up to get an anemone. I have been trying to hold off as long as possible. My tank has been set up for just about 6 months.
2. Comparatively, how difficult are long tentacle anemones to keep? I am hoping to get a green or purple one. I have heard that some people dye these and some are natural, how can you tell the difference?
3. How sensitive are anemones to chemistry fluctuations and which levels are they most sensitive to, ie, calcium, alkalinity, salinity, temperature, etc.
Thanks for everyones help in advance.


(1) At least 6 months- the more established the better
(2) Not difficult at all as long as your water params and lighting are correct(T5 or Mh lighting) and med water flow across tentacles
(3) Amm-nitrites-ph-temp-sg


Lta's have been known to host Clarkii-Pink skunk-Maroon-Tomatoes
My lta hosts 2 Ocellaris clowns and a anemone crab which came with the anemone when I bought it 15 months ago.
p.s. just remember you have a 50/50 chance your anemone will host any clowns. Some clowns will go right in, some takes days weeks months and some not at all. Aquacultured clowns take the longest because they are tank raised and have never seen an anemone before we introduce them to eachother. Hope this helps

rod buehle

Originally Posted by matt2364
What kind of clowns will host a LTA?
Thanks for the reply btw.
M.doreensis (AKA LTA) is a natural host to A. chrysogaster, A. clarkii, A. perideraion, but that does not mean that other clowns will not accept this anemone as a host.