first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!


hi everybody!
okay, i hope this works! my tank is now a little over 1 year old! they're not the best pics, and i've got some diatom problems, but here goes...


... and my two baby cardinals, my flasher wrasse, and my sun coral i am currently saving and bringing back to life!


looking good. do you have any start pics to compare? thats when you really get an idea for yourself how far youve really come LOL


thanks mike! no, i wish i did! a year ago i had a 35 gal hex that broke - it was a disaster! so i moved everything from that tank to this one, plus more LR and LS. it would be cool to see the transition...


I had some that I forgot about and man its a huge change LOL
so know I try to keep pictures of everything that I get and progress of the tank for reference sakes.


Active Member
the xenia is outstanding it is all about getting the right piece for your tank time and time again i hear people complain to me that all their corals are fine but the xenia is withering away or they can not get there xenia to spread like they want it to and i always tell people the same thing it is all about getting the right piece for your tank obviously you did that is jusst beautiful i am a xenia fan all the way one of my fav. corals


Active Member
I think your tank looks great! and your xenia is amazing. Is it that white in real life? Just beautiful. I think it looks like you have had some mushrooms spread? Mine have done that. I'll find one attached somewhere across the tank. I like it that way, anyway your tank looks great and now you'll have some pics to compare your changes in future months/years:D


thanks you guys!
i started with a tiny piece of LR that had maybe three small stalks of the xenia. then, BAM! they spread like wildfire. wrassecal, they really are that white, especially under the blue actinics (w/o they have a pink tinge). actually, i have a couple of mushrooms that have detached and floated off somewhere (red and ricordia) that i keep moving back but they just won't stay put. i've tried to convince them to stay but no luck. ah, kids... :rolleyes:


Staff member
Hey, nice looking tank there. And ditto on the xenia. Your clownfish don't harrass your xenia trying to host? I had some anthelia that was doing pretty good in my tank until I got a clownfish. He distrubed it so much hosting that they died off. He then moved to my toadstool leather, which now is not doing so now he moved to my largest zoo cluster....:rolleyes:


Active Member
Lillylegs - that is the prettiest xenia I've ever seen. I hope it grows to plague proportions and you are forced to frag it and send some to me
Beth, sounds like your clown is wreaking havoc in your tank. :eek:


no, he's a tank raised false perc and just won't touch a thing. he won't even swim through them. i thought i might have a problem when i got the leather (top right) but he leaves it alone too. it must just be good luck! :)


wrassecal, it really has grown to plague proportions! i put rocks on the edge of the growth, and in a few weeks, voila! i've got xenia frags. i sell them to my LFS for supplies and such. this is a nice four week cycle - its nice to get something back for all the cash i really don't have that i put in :D !


I too have the same Xenia and it is also growing like weeds.I'm in the process of fragging it for store credit.Good to see somebody else is having success with it too!


Active Member
Isn't is nice to have something they want? :) I do the same thing with my excess grape caulerpa....sure does help with the expenses. I usually end up paying for all my frozen foods with caulerpa.