First corals!


Active Member
What would be some good corals for a 40 gallon with 2-65 watt anthics? Zoos/ poylps/ mussrooms?/ bubble/ torch/ frogspan?
Tank is old eought and levels are fine.


Please dont tell me that u blew away all of our advice on the lights, wen we told u NOT to get the dual 65 watt actinic, but u did it anyway, didnt u? Didnt we say if yer gonna do it right, u should get GOOD lights? Not look for something on sale, unless umthing good WAS on sale? How about nothing, nothing will go in yer tank with dual 65 watts. Maybe mushrooms, but that would be it. I feel SOOOO sorry for u. U say u start over, and u go and do sumthing like that...:nope:


I had shrooms, low light zoos(some need more light and do better in high light),yellow polyps, gsp and colt coral in a 40 breeder under 2-55watt 50/50


Active Member
I didnt get them... THey just said that those are really good lights. Knowing lfs.
a) 24'' with 65 watt 50/50 (50% 10,000k daylight and 50% true antinic 03 blue) compact florescnts lights. ( single linear strip)
( if they have it) (b) 24'' with 65 watt 10,000k daylight and 65 watt true actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent lamps..
If they dont have (b) then whould (a) be ok????Im taking your advise if you think (a) whould be ok. I got the exact name of the lights if it makes you change your mind b/c of the exact kind.


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish12
I didnt get them... THey just said that those are really good lights. Knowing lfs.
a) 24'' with 65 watt 50/50 (50% 10,000k daylight and 50% true antinic 03 blue) compact florescnts lights. ( single linear strip)
( if they have it) (b) 24'' with 65 watt 10,000k daylight and 65 watt true actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent lamps..
If they dont have (b) then whould (a) be ok????Im taking your advise if you think (a) whould be ok. I got the exact name of the lights if it makes you change your mind b/c of the exact kind.

You are such a idiot, hasn't like 50 people told you that 2x65 watt pcs will not be good lighting for your 40g. Then you create a new thread asking the same question. Someone gives you a answer that 2x65 watt will not be good at all even for mushrooms. So what do you do, you reply asking if a 24'' 1x65 pc will be okay. Are you retarded or something:yes: ! Also I believe 40g. ARE LIKE 30'' OR 36'' LONG SO A 24'' LIGHT WILL NOT WORK RIGHT. DO YOU EVEN READ OUR POSTS! YOU SHOULD HONOSTLY NOT COME BACK TO THIS BOARD:yes: ! You ask questions and then not take the ADVICE! You should not only get out of this board but you should get out of the hobbie because you know next to nothing, AND DO A HALF --- JOB ON ALL YOUR FISH TANKS! SAVE youself some MONEY and leave the hobbie until your MATURE ENOUGH TO HANDLE IT!
PLEASE GO AWAY YOUR ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yes: :yes: :yes:


Active Member
whoa thats a little harsh lighting is expensive and saltwater stuff adds up quickly give the person a break:scared:


Active Member

Originally posted by ams153
whoa thats a little harsh lighting is expensive and saltwater stuff adds up quickly give the person a break:scared:

This isn't the first time Lionfish12 has asked questions like this. :nope:


I have found that most of the corals you are contemplating will survive in these lighting conditions for a short period of time, however, very poorly. I have tried to use the relatively the same lighting scheme (65X2 over a 29gal) in the past with marginal luck. I managed to keep them alive at best by placing them at the top of this tank. My blue spotted mushrooms lost their spots, my brilliant green Zoos shrank to almost nothing, my other green zoo colony became brownish with a tint of green, my colt slowly deteriorated, my Ricordeas shrank and lost almost all of their color. Although a couple of gray blue Zoo colonies, a leather, and different type of mushrooms were prolific.
Save yourself lots of time, money, and heartache and follow the advise of those who have learned from similar mistakes.
This is not a cheap hobby unless you stick to fish only. Keeping corals and other delicate invertebrates will cost you thousands before you know it.



Originally posted by ams153
whoa thats a little harsh lighting is expensive and saltwater stuff adds up quickly give the person a break:scared:

ams, although you are right about lighting being expensive... Most of us feel that if you cannot afford the requirements for certain creatures, then you should not consider getting them. It is an expensive hobby, but the day you start this hobby, that becomes a realization. So to keep on getting yourself deeper and deeper into hobby, knowing the costs is a little naive.
Lionfish, It has become apparent (IMO) that you are either hanging around your computer with a bunch of friends laughing at some of the responses you are getting (like ringing a door-bell, then taking off just for fun), or you are one spoiled individual.
What is it that you want us to say?? Would you honestly add a frogspawn to your tank if somebody on this board told you that you could?? Some of the questions and comments that you post make me cringe, but if you are truly being sincere, then I don't understand why you are being so redundant with your questions. It appears to me that you keep asking the same questions, only wording them different ways.
Do me a favor (and I am asking in all sincerity), please explain to us your circumstances so that we can at least try to get a grip on your thought process. Do you not believe what we are telling you. Is it that you really want to trust the LFS? Could it be that you think we go to far over board in the requirements of these creatures, and you want the minimum care levels?
There has got to be an explanation for all of your questions...Short term memory? ADD?
Help us,... to help you...


Active Member
hey i dont know if it was lionfish but someone posted a reply on one of my qs that said they have no idea but they just wanted to work on getting to 500 posts and it was lion something i cant really remember ill look it up
And i agree with u now sorry


Active Member
Seems to me that Lionfish12 is holding off of our advice until someone tells him something that he likes to hear. Obviously would be wrong though. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Do what we tell you to do -- sell the 125 and start working on the 40 gallon. As I said many times before, you cannot afford anything for your 40 gallon. I can imagine what a mess you would be in if you even attempted to setup a 125 gallon. You say you have a paying job, but I simply do not understand where this money is going?
What I would do:
1. Sell the 125 gallon.
2. Save up for some good lighting -- maybe 4x 65wt Power compacts, or 4x 110wt 48" VHO's. What do you do in the meantime while you're saving up? How about you read on this board. Don't ask any questions before doing a search.
3. Once you've saved up and have some knowledge, buy some good lighting.
4. Buy a good skimmer, as well.
5. Possibly try some less-colorfull mushrooms and see if they survive.
However, I have a feeling that Lionfish simply will not listen to what he is told. He listens to only what he wishes to hear and ignores everything else. He has stated several times that he does not listen to his LFS as they do not know what they're talking about, however he seems to post later and say "But the petstore said it would work...".
I've simply had enough. We've all tried to help you, now it's up to you to help yourself. You're the only one who can choose to listen to our advice. Either take it or ignore it. If you choose not to listen to us, then why even bother posting? You seem to know what's best, anyway :)
Likely you want attention from your posts, which you seem to be getting. But is it really worth killing innocent creatures for? Maybe it would be best to simply start this hobby at a later time in life, when you have matured slightly, and learn to listen to what others have to say and accept it. One thing I can gurentee, if you do not listen to us now, you will eventually learn the hard way. Trust me on this one.


Don't listen to them lion, just put a lamp next to the tank and you should be fine (Be sure to take that lampshade off). If you colored the bulb blue, it would be actinic. Maybe a flashlight pointed at the coral