First Digital EOS REB pics

The standard [auto] set up kicks in and auto w/Balance or AWB is figured for you and thats what your seeing in these pics. Hell even if you screw them up(WB) you just go into Its software set up and make them right to your liking..............
There is a group of auto selections other than standard auto, also with pre set functions like sport ,or portrait etc.... but I didn't think they were nessecary on a camera of this caliber, on the other side of the standard auto was the manual controls and standard SLR functions and I can't wait to see what Can be done with this.
I will be messing around with the manual modes soon enough, all in all the36 by 24 print of the Conch I set on the Live rock was mind blowing to say the least. You cant image how low of res. I had to go in comparison to the one you see here
ScottbytheSea see you at Macna Baby!


c'mon 10D just a liiitle lower, c'mon.
Great pictures. I wussed out and bought a cheapy to last me until the EOS 10D drops under 1K:thinking:
10d will be there soon
20d just came out :joy: or will be out soon. i think i'll be adding a g6 in addition to my s1 is when it comes out XD.
Yes in auto it does pick iso as you focus in.Also in preset auto the iso is known like sport was 400 iso etc ...........
Takes alot out of the geuss work when your trying to get a shot you want to take home as a newbie.Then you can switch to manual in a click and manual set your self into a coma..............