first ever tank pics.



You might be a rookie in photographing your tank, but I am sure you are no rookie in keeping reef tank. Very impressive!!


thanks IVANFJ, actually i am sort of a rookie at reef tanks i had a FOWLR for about a year then i decided to go reef and traded my fish for lights and then ebayed a protein skimmer. the thing with my tank is i never really bought anything except the brain and the red cynarna (sp?)(button coral) the rest i have traded for and been given by friends and whatnot. Not that i mouched my whole tank or anything i just have 4 of 5 friends with fairly large reefs and they don't care if they lose a red shroom here or a blue shroom there so if i see one loose in one of their tanks i do my best to take it off their hands. same with the leathers, colt and frogspawn. all frags from friends. Thanks all


I wish I had friends I could trade with...I mean I do have friends...and I could trade stuff with them...but I don't have any friends that have salt water aquarium stuff to trade.:D


thanks russian spy i actually bought that for 10$ at the LFS because the owner had declared it dead. but i feed it every other day for about 3 months and look at her now. of course it also had the best real estate in my tank. but it just shows what a little tlc can do.
flipper yea friends are good. now if i just can find someone who can make good salt. :thinking: