first ever top down shots


it seems that a lot of us (sps'ers) seem to be fooling ourselves with these test kits. NO3 reduction seems like the easy part, however, I had to spend 100 buck to get PO4 test kit worth a crap. .015 thera abouts seems to be the number to obtain.
If you have a system that is already is fairly nutrient poor. Then you will see the effects of the zeovit sytem a lot faster.
very low zoox population, very clear water and very light tissued stonies. There is a german by the G. Alexander who has been nice enough to explain how it works. I will post pics of his tank. Its unbelivable.
(it is so nutrient poor that most softies will not do good, but clams, lps and of corse sps do great.


Active Member
I think #4 (the blue acro) might be an Acropora elseyi. Growth pattern doesn't look exactly the same but corallites are really close.

nm reef

Active Member
Great pics jauringer...your system is progressing very well...outstanding selection. Interesting discussion also...the german pics you posted are sweet and the discussion is worth researching futher. I know zeovit has been a relatively hot topic lately.


Staff member
Well, jauringer, that tank is beautiful and a very interesting discussion. What lighting are you using then?


FLATZBOY, attml and NM
thanks a lot
I think #4 (the blue acro) might be an Acropora elseyi. Growth pattern doesn't look exactly the same but corallites are really close.
thanks Shorliner, I need to check that out the elseyi at AIMS website.
I know zeovit has been a relatively hot topic lately.
your right it is the hot topic for quarter.
it seems to be a very touchy system. stonies seem to be much more sensitive to changes as it brings the system closer to nutrient poor natural seawater
Oh yeah and they say that Kalk creates pools of P04
It precipitates PO4 where it is later released continuosly into the system instead of being absorbed by media. pretty interesting stuff.


Active Member
Jauringer, is this in you 46g. bow? I am setting one up this weekend. Do you supplement you 150 de metal halides, if you don't it looks awesome. I am still not sure on lighting yet because I got to figure out hw to build a wooden canopy.


Foxxy thanks you very much, and I have no idea what that peice is.
Kip4130: I made that last response just for you. I know you are the Kalk King. :D
I stopped dosing kalk, but unfortunatly it was before I bought a reliable p04 test kit. I noticed no difference exept for an initial PH drop that seemed to work it self out over a week or so.
the theory sounds good but i have seen no proof.
I do supplement with 1 96 watt 03 actinic PC
I am still not sure on lighting yet because I got to figure out hw to build a wooden canopy.

I am definatly not a carpenter, so I bought a oceanic cap and my pendants hang from the ceiling. it makes it pretty easy to raise and lower the pendants (typicly the uv shield is about 4 inches from the water surface.), it allows me to remove the entire cap and still have the halides on to see what going on in there during water changes.


hey kip. I had a reactor inline with my top off. I used it for I guess 1.5 years.
wierd deal on the coraline. the only time it grew in my tank was when I had PC and a lighter maintanance schedule.
As soon as i added the halides and stony corals my maintance increased and the coraline vanished. I couldn't tell you why, but with or without kalk, my glass gets very little coraline. and my rock only maintains what already has.