first fatality


i ve had my tank up and running for about 4 months and in the last 3 days i have had 2 snails die and a bicolor blennie die. he showed no signs until the night before he died. when i woke up the hermits were eating the top of his head. all water parameters i can test are normal(salinity, ph, ammonia, trite,trate) although my ph is 8.4 is that a little high? o and all other fish and snails are acting normal, eating, swimming, and breathing as usual..... is this just bad luck?


what are you exact water parameters? We cant really do much w/ out them..

teri vinso

New Member
:help: i have a yellow tang that seems to be gasping for breath - all my other fish are swimming and doing fine what can be wrong and can i do anything for it??????


Active Member
Originally Posted by socalracer
any ideas?
Bottom dwellers need a very mature tank, so that there is enough available food. Snails eat algae, and a young tank may not be able to support them?
What are your other fish? What size tank? Equipment? Live rock? And substrate.
All of these could factor in. :thinking:


my tank is a 100g with 50lbs lr i have hermits, snails, flamehawk, blue devil damsel, and tomato clown, tank is about 4 months old, trites were 0 ammonia 0, trates 5 ppl i think(well in range) also the night b4 it died it appeared to have blood under its skin towards its gills, i could tell b/c it was very pale but just a couple hours earlier it ate just like always