First fish arriving tomorrow!!


Hello all,
125g DT is up and running, QT is cycled and ready.
I will be receiving first 2 fish tomorrow, Magnificent Foxface and Sargassum Trigger.
Her is my stock list and order I plan to introduce, please let me know what you think.
Magnificent Foxface
Sargassum Trigger
Saddleback Butterfly
Harlequin Tusk (Austrailian)
Scribbled Angelfish
Yellow or Purple Tang (Haven't quite decided)
I am ordering all fish in a small-medium variety (3"-5") so I hope that I will not have a problem with the introductions. After these first 2 fish I will add one at a time about every 6 weeks until done.
I am really excited (First SW tank) and can't wait for my new arrivals.


Active Member
Sounds great!! But if you are getting two, shouldn't this thread by titled, "First and Second fish arriving tomorrow!!"???


Hello Crimzy,
I guess you may be right but I was using fish in the plural
Anyways, I am at home, fishes
arrived safely and I am currently acclimating them to their new home (QT).


Yes, it has been an exciting day. I was very nervous because I have always done freshwater and have never had any fish shipped before. Both fish seem to be doing very well, they are still hiding of course but they seem to be nice & healthy