First Fish!!!!!!! Help Name It


i just got my first fish today! it is a sixline wrasse.
i got him at like 4:30 and acclimated him for 1 1/2 hours. he was swimming around the tank exploring and looking good. well, this is where i need some help......what should i name him? :notsure:


haha, i still havnt tried to post any pics yet. ( i dont really know how and im too lazy to try to figure it out haha) well anyway he's nothing special, just looks like any other sixline
any ideas on a name?


Active Member
I've always liked descriptive names and nicknames. My favorite will always be "The Dude".


how bout...
Ghost Rider
Yung Gunner
Dankless Dankford
Dirt McGurt
Dirt Diggler
Dirt "McGurt" Diggler
just some amazing names i came up with!


Active Member
I have a black Goby named "Samuel L Jackson".....yep because hes a bad mother______...nuff said
A clarki named "Kim Jong Il" since he tries to take over the world
and his buddy "Shag" the green carpet
oh and the Gorilla crab named "Chubaka", so naturally I vote for the specific names based on behavior. Give it a while, if nothing else your wife or children will name it within a few days im sure


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I have a black Goby named "Samuel L Jackson".....yep because hes a bad mother______...nuff said
A clarki named "Kim Jong Il" since he tries to take over the world
and his buddy "Shag" the green carpet
oh and the Gorilla crab named "Chubaka", so naturally I vote for the specific names based on behavior. Give it a while, if nothing else your wife or children will name it within a few days im sure
hahahah tht is funny
if he takes over the tank then DEF Kim Jong Il Rotfl
well i could say a few but there could be young kids reading these..
hows about
frick- i would leave to a clown
frack i would leave to clwon 2 lol