First Fish in DT - Have Questions


I decided to move my Lawnmower Blenny from my QT to my DT considering the issues I was having with the QT (apparently it wasn't fully cycled
). It is sooner then most would do, but I believe that it is in the best interest of the LMB. I am hoping that everything will be okay and that I don't get any disease outbreak, but want to be prepared if I do.
My tank is a 65g FOWLR. So far I have inverts and a few zoo frags in there in addition to the new LMB. What do you folks recommend I get just in case my tank or fish become infected with something. Just trying to prepare ahead.
Now I will give my QT more time to fully cycle.
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
ehh, not much you can do right now. hopefully the fish didn't have any ich, and i believe it's been a few weeks now so you'd have seen it by now. any other diseases though will have to be treated in the QT, don't put many meds in the DT.


Originally Posted by renogaw
ehh, not much you can do right now. hopefully the fish didn't have any ich, and i believe it's been a few weeks now so you'd have seen it by now. any other diseases though will have to be treated in the QT, don't put many meds in the DT.
I took the chance because I don't have any other fish in the DT yet. If the LMB were to develop ich then I would do what I needed to do to make sure the DT was ich free before more fish were added. The LMB was in QT for 10 days and the color looked great, he just didn't seem like he was doing to swell since my water was not what I thought it was. Learned a lesson hear...hopefully it won't grow into a bigger one.
Now, I guess I need to make certain my QT is fully cycled before buying another fish. Should I just let it take it's course and not do another water change until the nitrites hit zero?


Active Member
what are you using as filtration in the QT?
10 days is about the minimum i'll keep a fish in the QT. If it isn't sick or showing signs by that time then i'll think about putting in earlier than the three weeks.


Originally Posted by renogaw
what are you using as filtration in the QT?
10 days is about the minimum i'll keep a fish in the QT. If it isn't sick or showing signs by that time then i'll think about putting in earlier than the three weeks.
I've actually got 2 filters on the QT, both ones that hang on the back. One is a small Whisper filter (just have floss in that one) the other is a Millennium 2000 with the filter media that came with it. I also have a small PH. The tank is a 20 long. Would you reccommend something else or do you think that what I have is okay? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
i have a penguin biowheel filter for a 30? gallon tank. i also have a prefilter over the inlet that i had soaking in my DT for months in hopes of bacteria inhabiting it. i've yet to see any ammonia, but my nitrates have always been high.


Well, I think I saw some good signs tonight. Watched him for a good 20 - 30 minutes and he was all over the place. Also, I saw him picking at the LR, which I believe means he was finally eating. Still a little timid, but there were occasions where he would perch himself on a rock close to the side fo the tank where I was watching him from. Hopefully he will continue to well and is disease free.
Should I do anything special to my QT now that no fish is in it to make sure it cycles completely?


Originally Posted by estein02
Well, I think I saw some good signs tonight. Watched him for a good 20 - 30 minutes and he was all over the place. Also, I saw him picking at the LR, which I believe means he was finally eating. Still a little timid, but there were occasions where he would perch himself on a rock close to the side fo the tank where I was watching him from. Hopefully he will continue to well and is disease free.
Should I do anything special to my QT now that no fish is in it to make sure it cycles completely?
Let us know how he does


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
Well, I think I saw some good signs tonight. Watched him for a good 20 - 30 minutes and he was all over the place. Also, I saw him picking at the LR, which I believe means he was finally eating. Still a little timid, but there were occasions where he would perch himself on a rock close to the side fo the tank where I was watching him from. Hopefully he will continue to well and is disease free.
Should I do anything special to my QT now that no fish is in it to make sure it cycles completely?
ghost feed it. glad to hear bout the lmb eating though :)


Originally Posted by renogaw
ghost feed it. glad to hear bout the lmb eating though :)
Still continuing to do well. Here are a couple of pictures.
