First Fish in QT-What to expect?


As I know from my expereince if they dont start eating in the first 3 days their a goner. I bought a LMB and acclumatied him for a good 2 hrs and then let him into my 75 DT. All water peremiters were perfect with ph at 8.1 and i offered him algea wafers, algea sheets, formula 1, brine shrimp and he didnt go for anything and in 5 days he died. His behavior and breathing was normal. And i had a hair algea problem.
The only mistake i made i didnt get to see him eat at the lfs. So I guess these fish are a hit or miss deal.


Well, a little over a week and he is still alive. I've tried every type of food rcommended and not sure how much success i've had with him eating. He still looks good and to me doesn't look skinny, but I haven't really seen him eat. Not sure what else I can do other then to keep feeding him and hope that he is eating when I'm not looking. Hope he makes it.