Active Member
Hi all, Anyone thats been on this board for awhile might remember me, and if you do you may recall I said I would never buy a fish from our lfs, they have only 2 sw tanks, and in my opinion they don't really no the first thing about the care of these wonderful critters. Well, I went into the store on Sat. to get some frozen foods, and I was brousing thier tanks, they have had a toadfish in a 20 gallon tank with cc and nowhere for the big guy to hide under for 6-8 months now, he has had pop eye several times and now has scar tissue around his one eye. Tom and I have talked about him everytime one of us has gone into the store, finally (now that I'm not fearful of him eating my new niger trigger) Tom called them and asked what kind of a deal they would give us on him, he explained we have much better living conditions for him then they do. They sold him to us for 20% off, so I can't complain. Anyway he seems very happy in our aggresive tank. He has alot of rock to hide under and a 6in sand bed to burrow in if he so chooses.
He is between 8-10 in and when he opens his mouth you could fit a tennisball in there.
Here's a photo of him I took loast night when the lightswe're out. I hope it shows up.
Later Lisa
He is between 8-10 in and when he opens his mouth you could fit a tennisball in there.
Here's a photo of him I took loast night when the lightswe're out. I hope it shows up.

Later Lisa