New Member
just put in my first fish :cheer: :cheer: .THey are 2 tank raised false perculas. i put them in yesterday. At first they were kinda swimming back and forth acrossed the tank as fast as they could almost like they were racing or maybe pacing. Is this normal? In freshwater this is called flashing and can be a sign that there is something wrong. Is it the same for salt fish? Is it a sign of stress. What can I do to help them? After I turned the lights off last night they did settle down in a corner behind the rocks. They are still pacing but not quite as much or fast. I also haven't really seen them eat. They go to the top for the food but they spite it out. Do they not like the food? It is a marine flake by tetra. I was thinking that maybe the flakes were to big and they just spite the left overs