first fish?!


hey all. im ready to get a fish. ive got a 72 gallon, with 70 lbs of live rock, 20 lbs of live sand, a large cleanup crew, and almost perfect water parameters.
whats a good hardy fish to start with? i was thinking a clown or maybe a gramma? one or two fish? mated pairs? any other help?


Active Member
What is your long term plan? Reef or fowlr or aggressive? That decision will dictate where to start.


Active Member
Either of those would be fine. I don't see a problem with adding them both at the same time. Not that much load for a 72 to start and both are generally hardy fish.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ckehl
hey all. im ready to get a fish. ive got a 72 gallon, with 70 lbs of live rock, 20 lbs of live sand, a large cleanup crew, and almost perfect water parameters.
whats a good hardy fish to start with? i was thinking a clown or maybe a gramma? one or two fish? mated pairs? any other help?
I would do just one fish, unless you do a pair of clowns. Then it would be okay to do 2. Either of those choices would work excellently.


well i got two false percs. they didn't have any mated ones and my dad insisted on getting two.. and since he was paying, i didnt mind

anyways, i'm acclimating them by setting the bag in the tank for about 30 minutes, ive siphoned tank water into a bucket, and im going to empty the fish into the tank water bucket (and poke holes in their bag so their water is slowly receiving the tank water) for another odd number of minutes, then net them into the big tank.
how does this acclimation sound?
and how long should i set the bag in the aquarium, and how long should the fish be in the bucket?


Active Member
I would do the acclimation differently. See the description on this website.
Basically, you float the fish in the tank for 30 minutes or so and then cut the bag and pour them into your bucket. Then use some tubing to create a siphon and slowly drip water into the bucket for about two hours. If you don't have any tubing availble, then you could use a small cup and just add half a cup of tank water to the bucket every ten minutes or so.
I'd be worried about doing it by poking holes in the bag because the bag might collapse around the fish and stress them out.
By the way: Be careful that the temperature in your bucket doesn't drop too much. (i.e. make sure the room is reasonably warm).


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
I would do the acclimation differently. See the description on this website.
Basically, you float the fish in the tank for 30 minutes or so and then cut the bag and pour them into your bucket. Then use some tubing to create a siphon and slowly drip water into the bucket for about two hours. If you don't have any tubing availble, then you could use a small cup and just add half a cup of tank water to the bucket every ten minutes or so.
I'd be worried about doing it by poking holes in the bag because the bag might collapse around the fish and stress them out.
By the way: Be careful that the temperature in your bucket doesn't drop too much. (i.e. make sure the room is reasonably warm).
yup, this sounds good to me.