First frag tank please help


I would like to start my very first frag tank but I have no idea how it works I have a 12g aquapod that was up and running for almost a year. I broke it down and cleaned it with fresh water and it is sitting my garage. What do I need to do to get started? I know its not as easy as adding water, add LR now watch’em grow but I am not sure what to add or do...can some one please help. Maybe some pictures of shelving or egg crates? What kinds of chemicals will I need...if any? What do I do with the filtration in the back?
I have 1 900maxi jet pump
The lighting is the lighting the aquapod came up
I believe 27w? I know my softies were fine in there when I had my small reef set up.


Active Member
it is no different then setting up a regular tank other then the fact that most dont have rock or fish in the tanks. it is just eggcrate racks of some sort intead of rock. many have the rock but it is in the sump. you want a frag tank to be easy to work in and move stuff around so you dont want all that rock in the way giving corals places to fall and get lost.
other then that they are no different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by edizzle
Other than calcium and alk do I need other chemicals?
with a good quality salt, porper water changes, temps, and salinity you dont need any dosing chemicals at all.
i have been keeping my tanks for more then 10 years now and i have NEVER added anything other then consistant water changes. i will say however that if your dealing with a full on sps system with a heavy coral load things like CA become important because water changes alone do not replenish them fast enough


Active Member
Originally Posted by edizzle
no iodine? nothing? I herd these other cems help the frags grow really fast
your making this to hard on yoruself when you get into all that stuff. salt water as a whole is MUCH easier then some make it out to be. you dont need all these fancy gigets ang gagets. do they work ?? yep sure do. do you need them? 100% no.
any Salt mix worth a damn will replenish all you need in a tank that small. 20% every two weeks and your good to go.
good water quality, a quality lighyt source and proper fragging will produce high quality fast growing frags all day long.


When puting the egg crate in the tank should I glue it to the sides with several tiers? Or on self placed on leggs from teh bottom? Can I place some softies to high? or Low?


Active Member
Originally Posted by edizzle
When puting the egg crate in the tank should I glue it to the sides with several tiers? Or on self placed on leggs from teh bottom? Can I place some softies to high? or Low?
your best off doing legs on the rack this way they are movable and removable


Active Member
if it was mine i would run a 1200 but the 9 should be just fine. to be a more ideal set up add one of two K nano's in the tank to help with random flow.