first horse :)

dive girl

Originally Posted by TeresaQ
37 is a great seahorse tank. Nova and Bender both have that size tank.
Bender is setting hers up right now. It was my first seahorse tank, Then I went to a 54 and now I have a 58.

see addictive!


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
37 is a great seahorse tank. Nova and Bender both have that size tank.
Bender is setting hers up right now. It was my first seahorse tank, Then I went to a 54 and now I have a 58.

I was looking at it today thinking I should have got the 47

But as I was standing on my stool up to my armpit in water retrieving my thermometer out of the bottom, I'm glad it's only the 37


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
long tongs

Wow, I'm late to the party, but congrats on the seahorse! I would definitely transfer him to the 37 gallon tank (is it a 37 tall cube or a standard 37, btw?). He's gonna need a little more room than the 24 gallon can provide, esp. if you want to get him a girlfirend. You should also consider a lot more rock in whichever tank you keep him in to act as a biological filter.
Horses are pretty social animals. If you're going to cycle the 37 gallon tank and use that one as the permanent home, I'd wait on getting another horse just yet....instead, you can try taping a little cheap mirror to the outside of the tank. They really will interact with their reflection and treat it as another horse.
Take a minute and go through the stickies on the top of this page, if you haven't already. There's a lot of great beginner information up there. And like Theresa said, I'd keep a reeeeeeal close eye on that pouch of his! Looks like the female he was with might have given him a parting "gift" before leaving the store!!

dive girl

Hi Lane2800,
I just realized, that while we are making jokes about your horse being pregnant we know what that means and what we need to be ready. I then realized that you probably don't.
Looking at the photos of your male, he does indeed look like he is pregnant. Seahorses have short gestation periods, for the most part I believe a couple of weeks. You need to make some decisions quickly if your male is carrying fry.
Your first decision is, do you want to try and raise them or do you want nature and your filter, to run it's course. Sounds harsh but it's reality. Seahorse fry are difficult and time consuming to try and raise. I'm not trying to talk you out of anything but just trying to let you know that you will be in for a lot if you want to give it a shot.
If your male is pregnant and you are going to try and raise them, you are going to need to do a couple of things to get ready. You are going to need a fry tank. Usually a 10G works well.
You will also need to hatch baby brine shrimp. Not difficult but will take some set up.
If you choose to try and raise them, you'll have to do water changes on that tank often, probably a little every day.
If you decide you want to try and raise them let us know so we all can start to post what you'll need to do to get ready.


thanks for all the help. he's still doing well. a little on the shy side but otherwise seems healthy. also still very fat. lol, so i'm guessing that he doesn't really have that much longer. as he is the only fish in the tank at this point and it's a little late in the game i will unfortunately have to let nature run it's course and inject the tank with pods and see how the babies do. i will be ready before the next time if it happens again :(


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your boy is still doing well.
Has his pouch gotten bigger to your eye, or is it more or less the same size? IIRC H. comes seahorse fry have a moderately lengthy pelagic period where the fry swim in the water column (as opposed to benthic fry who hitch at or near birth). If this is the case, as you say, you may have to let nature do its thing with this batch. After a couple months, if you feel comfortable keeping one horse, you should consider a girlfriend for your male...he's gonna be looking for a new friend soon if he hasn't started already!


the pouch is a little bigger and every once in a while i see what looks like something popping out of it. i have added lots of light colors, so he is almost yellow now, and the pouch is almost black inside. hopefully this is good. also starting to get over the shyness. lol. apparently the more stuff the happier they are, just like people lol.