New Member
After going through my initial setup cycle (and seeing 15 damsels die), my water was tested and deemed perfect by the fish store that tests my water. Then I bought 2 tangs that died within 3 days. Then I changed 25% of my water, replacing it with the store's water, that is supposed to be perfectly balanced-I did this to see if maybe my water at the house is not perfect. Then, I put another damsel in, that died within 48 hours. Again my water was tested, including pH, and was deemed perfect. I have a heater, set at 76% (before, I didn't have one, and the temp was at 71%, which could have been a problem). I recently put some more gravel in and a few plastic plants, but I cleaned both before putting in. What seems to be happening to the fish, like the 2 domino damsels that I just put in 2 days ago, is they turn pale or gray, then swim nervously, then die. Anyone have any other clue as to what could be going on? The death count is at 20. I have been out of the saltwater hobby for about 10 years, so I am out of practice and have just been relying in the fish store for help.