First live rocks, WOOPWOOP!!!


Hello all,
Got my first 3 live rocks and found a little surprise in one of them, hope it survives. here are some pics.
Did not want to get too many rocks at once since I want to take my time with this and insure the best outcome.
Golden rule: take your time, right?

this bit came off so i stuck it back don't know if its gonna make it

power head that acts as an extra filter as well as a flow pump

Little Guest!!!! hope he makes it, did not notice him when I got the rock
Did a bunch of tests on my water as well, my PH is around 8- 8.4 was worried it might have been a little high but turns out its fine.....
tested the water shortly after putting the rocks in, NO2; zero. NO3; 1, Mg+Ca; 1260 mg/l, Specific Gravity around 1.27
let me know what you think, next week ill get 3 more.


NO, it will have nothing to do with it.
Do you plan on adding sand? If so, now is the time to do it...and it is best to try to get all your live rock now too


yea I'm getting sand but want to get a few more live rocks for the base of the aquascaping, seems it reproduces quickly if not dealt with but there seems to be a couple fish who feed on them.might just get rid of it like that or do you suggest i yank it out now?


I would get rid of it can inject it with boiling water, or lemon juice
OR buy Joe's Juice (my fave) or get pickling lime and mix that together and use it
OR you can boil the rock (drastic measure LOL)


yes to both in getting rid of the the pest and adding sand now before anything.
cloud that sand creates will make a mess on your rocks...


alright advice taken, regarding sand I unfortunately cant get any live sand so I'm thinking of going for a mix of sands, half of it being coral ( half only since its a Little expensive) and the other half..... well the other half i don't know. this said for burrowing sand fish, water filtering, and micro organisms living in the sand would the coral be best as a top or bottom layer?


IMO DO NOT GET Crushed coral.....sand sifters can not live in it....
buy aragonite dead sand....and get a cup of live sand from a friend or the fish store to seed it....with your live rock and that cup, the sand will eventually all become live
BTW...what size tank is this????