First marine tank...Opinions/Advice?


New Member
So after quite a bit of research, I'm going to hold off on setting up a 40g reef. Considering I've never kept a marine tank before I'm gonna set up a 30g fowlr, to get my feet wet a bit before going for a full-blown reef.
Here's the plan:
30g long tank; 2 aquaclear 30's; SeaClone 100 Skimmer or CPR BakPak 2; 36" Glo T5 double bulb; approx. 35lbs live rock; sand;2 Hydor Koralia nano pump(240gph).
That should be enough flow right?
Would the CPR skimmer be worth the extra $50 or so..?
Now the stocking:
I am pretty set on:
1x Coral Beauty Angel
1x Clown Goby
1x Ocellaris Clown
1x Bicolor Pseudochromis
Also interested in keeping:
Royal Gramma &/or 6 Line Wrasse
CUC: 1x Coral Banded Shrimp; 1-2 hermit crabs; 2-3 snails (turbo I guess)
Any opinions on my setup? Compatibility Issues? Recommendations?
Thanks for taking the time to read.


Active Member
I would add themin this order:
Snails and inverts
Coral Beauty
Don't add them all at once. Wait a few weeks between adding them so that your biological system can adapt to the increased load.
I have read that the seaclone is not a good skimmer. I would probably spend a little more and get a better one.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I would read up more on the CB shrimp and the hermit crabs.Other than that keep up the reading and happy reefing .
Welcome to


Originally Posted by TropicDan
So after quite a bit of research, I'm going to hold off on setting up a 40g reef. Considering I've never kept a marine tank before I'm gonna set up a 30g fowlr, to get my feet wet a bit before going for a full-blown reef.
Here's the plan:
30g long tank; 2 aquaclear 30's; SeaClone 100 Skimmer or CPR BakPak 2; 36" Glo T5 double bulb; approx. 35lbs live rock; sand;2 Hydor Koralia nano pump(240gph).
That should be enough flow right?
Would the CPR skimmer be worth the extra $50 or so..?
Now the stocking:
I am pretty set on:
1x Coral Beauty Angel
1x Clown Goby
1x Ocellaris Clown
1x Bicolor Pseudochromis
Also interested in keeping:
Royal Gramma &/or 6 Line Wrasse
CUC: 1x Coral Banded Shrimp; 1-2 hermit crabs; 2-3 snails (turbo I guess)
Any opinions on my setup? Compatibility Issues? Recommendations?
Thanks for taking the time to read.
I think you might as well get your feet wet w/ the 40 gal. It's easier to manage a larger tank than a smaller.
Unless you intend on keeping 2 separate tanks, 1 40 gal reef, and 1 30 gal Fowlr. If you plan on upgrading your 30 gal to the 40 gal, then don't do it.
As for the equpment, I really don't konw. The stock doesn't look bad, but like VVV said, the CBS may be aggressive, especially w/ small fish. You can look into emerald crabs, and maybe a sally lightfoot as well.
Also, have you seen the flame angel? Maybe you'll like it better than the coral beauty. I was torn between the two, but went w/ the Flame.

eric b 125

as far as the skimmer goes: i hate to say that i have a seaclone. i'm not disgusted with it, but i sure do wish i had gotten a different one. the thing works OK, but that's the best i can say. i guess it's better than having no skimmer at all, but after 2 months with it i'm planning on an upgrade probably to an asm. i'd look into a different brand personally.

jimmy 4

My first tank was a 30 L. I wasn't a fan of the dimensions. They are too skinny and hard to place live rock in. Also I had a problem creating good flow. Now I have a 20 L which is the same tank only shorter, but is much better than my 30 was. If I were you I would go for the 40 or larger. That is if you have the money.


New Member
Well I'll tell you...first of all thanks for the responses. Second, I am definitely glad I didn't order a SeaClone. I will probably run skimless for the time being while I'm still researching/finding a different one.
I am planning on keep a 30g fowlr and eventually a reef. I could definitely see the arrangement of LR being a bit of a challenge but I will manage. As far as I can see it I don't think I'll have a problem with water flow. I've decided to just get two Maxi-Jet 900's instead of the Koralias, just to save a few bucks I could put into a better skimmer.
As far as the stocking, I've changed it up a bit. Not gonna bother listing it again because it's still not finalized, and the fish won't be added for quite a few weeks/months apart so there's plenty of time.
Anyway thanks again. Can't wait

eric b 125

also, as far as the tank size is concerned, i suggest you go as big as your wallet and house can take. i think the fowlr to start off is a good idea. if you start out with peaceful community fish, you can always add the proper lighting down the road and add corals. it seems like a whole lot of information to absorb, but when you take one step at a time, and ask questions along the way, it really isnt as bad as it seems.