First New Tank Additions!!!!

Ok so i took spider womans advice and waited a few days before adding my first fish

This morning after a very LONG few days i purchased a pair of small clown fish...Ocelarris? SP? to be exact. I got quite worried after about an hour one was sitting on the sand, but things have gotten better. They are now together swimming around and seem ok.
I have a few questions...
1.) I turned my powerhead off because it seemed to be affecting them in the beginning. Is this something they will get used to?
2.) I have frozen shrimp cubes just wondering if that will work. My LFS said yes but i trust this sight more.
3.) I researched all i could and it seems clowns are very apt to staying in the same spot a lot. One sight also said they will lay on the sand this true?
4.) I know have 2 fish, i waited on starting a CUC because while my tank is 6 weeks old my LS bed is only a week. Does anyone know or think i can go ahead and get some snail/crabs running clean up????
Thanks IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!


I have never seen any clownfish lay on the sandbed unless stressed or sick. I don't know what powerhead you have, but if your fish are tank raised it may be more current than they are used to. Alternatively, if they were wild caught it might be less current than they are used to. I would leave the powerhead on, as changes in current will just be confusing to them and add to their stress level. Frozen shrimp cubes will work. Frozen mysis shrimp is the proffered food, though brine is more popular for some reason. You can try a variety of things with clownfish. Most will eat just about anything you feed them. I feed mysis, brine, flakes, and spirulina. Don't be alarmed if they refuse to eat at first. I just learned myself that it is normal for clownfish to lose their appetite after being removed from their habitat. And lastly, yes, clowns tend to pick a spot and stay there. Mine won't leave the anemone for more than a few seconds. Grats on your tank and your new fish. I hope they bring you endless hours of enjoyment!
Thanks Rob!!!
They are kinda poking around at the glass i guess there ok....They are moving better so im gonna be happy. I dont wanna feed much because leftover food = ammonia
but ill do my best.
Anyone have ideas on a CUC
congrats shaun, i hope only the best for the tank. although my tank is alittle more established(2.5 years old) i seem to be going through the same things as you. i was curious about my clown fish also, bc he stays in one spot. he stays in the top left back corner, right up by the surface, he hides behind a powerhead. but ive never seen mine lay on the bottom and i feed mine strictly flakes. i dont think its the best thing for him, but hes been doing fine for the past 2.5 years. now i just need to get my water balanced out and get him an anemone. and while im thinking about it, he came from in a mated pair, but his mate passed away about 1.5-2 years ago. what are the chances of him... mating with another clown? or is he going to be a loner til he passes?
Also i have a 1200 powerhead....i turned it back on and they just seem to constantly struggle against the current, will they get used to it?????? seems rough on them...
In response to part of your first post, I would definitely get a clean up crew in there, ie; snails, hermits, and/or emerald crabs. At 6 weeks, you should have algae growing by now to keep them fed. MHO...
You want Nassarius Snail for the LSB. They will bury themselves within the sand therefore stirring it up. Also, get yourself a brittle star. They eat all the detritus within the sand and around the rocks. I've had mine for over a year and he continues to do well.
Nassarius Snail ? I think thats what i got i just got your reply...
But they are tiny little guys, white shells and $2.99 a peice i only got five....ill get five a week until i have 15-20.
The star fish idea had my wife excited....brittle stars to ok in new tanks i guess. Thanks everyone


how do you post on here ?I can only reply to post I cant post my own stuff,,please help......
Originally Posted by Shaun Larlee
Nassarius Snail ? I think thats what i got i just got your reply...
But they are tiny little guys, white shells and $2.99 a peice i only got five....ill get five a week until i have 15-20.
The star fish idea had my wife excited....brittle stars to ok in new tanks i guess. Thanks everyone
Naw, the Nassarius snails are black (see below). Sounds like you probably got the Cerith snails (cone shaped).
I got my brittle star right after my cycling was finished and he's doing great a year later. Don't worry about the star eating, besides the detritus, the brittle star will also stick out his arms and grab fallen food. Don't get too excited though, the brittle stars hide during most of the day and come out (somewhat) at night. Occassionally, they'll stick their arms out during the day to grab some food. They're fun if you like scavenger hunting. Also, serpent stars are another good choice for cleaning.
Originally Posted by MR.CRABY
how do you post on here ?I can only reply to post I cant post my own stuff,,please help......
Not sure if you've figured it out yet, but you need to click on a forum topic first, then the "New Thread" option is available at the top left.

I hope these snails are ok they just hang at the water line in the waves

but i guess there ok...i have a single strip light anyone give me ideas on a bulb that will support a few frog swawns or other corals???


depends on how deep and what size tank it is for lighting. if its under 24" then t5ho's will be ok. if its aver or right around then MH's.