first pic of my tank


Tell me what you think
Stock so far:
Ocellaris Clown
Green Chromis
Diamond Goby
Chocolate chip star
Fighting Conch
Coral banded shrimp
75lbs live rock
60lbs live sand


New Member
Looks really nice. The plants look silk to me. IMO it looks like a freshwater theme in a saltwater tank. Really original :p


is that a sw tank?
looks like a fw tank with all the fake plants..
however, like was said origonal look..
looks like a sweet set up.. and well fish love plants to play in so its all good..


to be honest, i hate the freshwater look, the whole reason i went with saltwater, but that looks REALLY good!!! I am impressed! It's very natural looking, and the plants really work with your rock formation and that background too! I like the background because it doesn't look fake.
PS, I've heard Chocolate Chip stars will eat fish and corals, maybe just fish, maybe just corals, i don't remember which, but if something turns up missing, and you have no ammonia spike, I would say he is the culprit.
Please correct me if i am wrong!!!


New Member
Yes, I forgot to throw in my compliment, lol.
The tank does look very pretty with those green plants! What's your plans for the tank? Peaceful fish only tank? Or a reef down the road?
Has your clown tried to host the fake plants yet?


Thank you every one for the comments. The plants are silk. The tank will just be a peaceful community tank. My chocolate chip has already eaten one of my fish it was a bangaii cardinal. my clown is very new to my tank and he wont leave the corner of the tank he and a gren chromis were added at the same time and they are buddys almost inseperable. I can see the clown hosting in time in the plants though or at least I hope it does. thanks again for the comments.


I was right!
IMO, get a 20 gallon or something and put your star in there, I LOVE the way they look, i think they are the coolest star there is, too bad they are naughty sometimes.