First Pics of my 20g Nano


Active Member
Ok - so I finally got my nano to a place where I am happy with it. I have been moving rocks around and losing corals left and right due to vacations (neighbors aren't loving the fact that they have to feed and refill my tanks with water when I am gone.)
Anyway, I have about 40lbs of LR stacked in a classic shape leaving a ton of area for more corals. I put in retro-fit PC's into the hood and have 6 moonlights as well. My current livestock consists of the following:
True (Nemo) and False (Squirt) Percs (finally mated - Big one is Squirt)
6 inch Torch (their home...used to go in the anemone, but now steer clear)
Frag of Neon Green w/white center star polyps
Small brain (which isnt doing so hot need some suggestions)
Huge Metallic Red mushy
Purple, Blue, Green, bulls-eye mushies
Green and Orange Center Zoas
Yellow polyps
4" Blue/Green Crocea clam
2" Green/Tan Gigas clam
Small Green/Orange plate coral
Sabea Anemone
Some sort of odd green bubble anemone
Kenya trees
Lots of big turbos
Lots of Red and Blue legged hermits
2 feather dusters



looks awsome! and if u dont want that little anenome anymore i can take it off ur hands lol