My tank: The whole stand, hood, plumbing, cabinet wings are all a DIY. Notice the center of the cabinet is actually a dry-bar. Good hobbies go hand in hand. It is an 85 gallon tank, on the right is a wing cabinet that holds a 20 gal, sump/fuge, the left wing holds a Magnum 350, the hood is all natural wood from the property I grew up on and holds 6 x 40 watt NO flour lights.... yes I KNOW it is too little light... but... everything I have has doubled in size and I am fraging all the time. My failure rate less than 1%. Infact a good number of corals I have are refugees from bad shippments.
If it aint broke... mess with it. I am currently inthe process of very slowly aclimating this tank to 390 watts pc with an additional 135 watts occilating throught the mid day.
I'll post more on that later.