first pics of my camera


The Camera is the canon digital rebel 7.1 MPX... Here's a few shots:
the 1st is my clown goby in frogspawn


this is my lobo at feeding time: I got him for free... he was almost dead and completely clear 2 years ago... and he was 1/4 this size at the time:


My brain, also my first coral. He has doubled in size in the 4 years I have had him. Notice the bicolor blenny (my first fish) has never let it connect to the rock in the front. I even find it nipping the bottom of the coral to keep it from over growing the hole. This is also at feeding time.


My tank: The whole stand, hood, plumbing, cabinet wings are all a DIY. Notice the center of the cabinet is actually a dry-bar. Good hobbies go hand in hand. It is an 85 gallon tank, on the right is a wing cabinet that holds a 20 gal, sump/fuge, the left wing holds a Magnum 350, the hood is all natural wood from the property I grew up on and holds 6 x 40 watt NO flour lights.... yes I KNOW it is too little light... but... everything I have has doubled in size and I am fraging all the time. My failure rate less than 1%. Infact a good number of corals I have are refugees from bad shippments.
If it aint broke... mess with it. I am currently inthe process of very slowly aclimating this tank to 390 watts pc with an additional 135 watts occilating throught the mid day.
I'll post more on that later.


Also the bucket is there with the blue airline to aclimate some new snails and a couple new corals (more zoo's). the blue air line is a drip system for acclimation.


Active Member
Looks nice! I have had my eye on the same clown goby at my LFS. Anyways, my concern was if it will be a hidden and /or skiddish fish. Is yours out alot? I also have a frogspawn, I didnt realize it could host. What is your experience with the clown goby? Thanks, and again nice tank! :)


golly gee.... thats a nice frogspawn.... great pics!!!!


Great looking set-up. I love the cabinet and hood! I wish I was a DIY girl. Oh well.
And the goby in the frogspawn is a great picture!


The green clown gobie is awesome. He isn't a water-body fish. He is always resting on something until food in introduced. It's usual hiding place is ontop of or intertwined in the frogspawn colonies. The Frogspawn never seems to mind him being there either. The colonie is an arch shape.. if it was flat it would measure out to be 24 inches long and about 16 inches wide. Plenty of places for him to hide.
The CG is not a skittish fish, actually (after a week or so) it spends most of it's time in plain sight. Although it does blend so it is not the fish that catches my eye at first.
I actually enjoy having things in my tank I don't see every time (i.e. boxer crabs, 2, 1 inch rock urchin who only comes out when the actinics are on or later, yellow brittle star, etc)
The clown gobie is a fish most of my friends don't notice until it comes out to feed.
Over all... great addition.