First Pic's of New Tank!! ID Please


Here are the pics of my first tank its a 28 gallon. Already set up about a month. Man I got addicted quick and i just started. Also I bought some lR with some different hitchikers, one I looked in the thread and categorized it as a Feather Duster. This other one im not so sure about! Thanks, let me know if i can do anything different!



Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Pseudocorynactis sp.
So its a type of Anemone? I googled it, but I couldnt find out what type of light it needs. I figure since its an anemone it needs good light yet I still only have a junky flourescent that came with the tank, in the process of getting t5's . Will it survive? I actually have 2 of them. The lfs doesnt have anything other than compacts, and it was living there fine.

bang guy

It's commonly called a Jewel Anemone or Ball Anemone but it's actually a corallimorph and not a true Anemone. Closer to a Mushroom.
It is ahermatypic (needs no light). It will probably crawl under a rock or inside a cave to avoid the light and will eat animal derived waste or small pods. If you target feed it there will be lots of them fairly quickly.
I don't consider them a pest simply because they avoid the light and eat waste. I probably have thousands of them in my Lagoon but I have to flip rocks over to see them.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It's commonly called a Jewel Anemone or Ball Anemone but it's actually a corallimorph and not a true Anemone. Closer to a Mushroom.
It is ahermatypic (needs no light). It will probably crawl under a rock or inside a cave to avoid the light and will eat animal derived waste or small pods. If you target feed it there will be lots of them fairly quickly.
I don't consider them a pest simply because they avoid the light and eat waste. I probably have thousands of them in my Lagoon but I have to flip rocks over to see them.
Thanks! Ill look up what to spot feed them!


I like black better than blue it give the tank more depth than blue IMO.
I like both though but prefer balck.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I like black better than blue it give the tank more depth than blue IMO.
I like both though but prefer balck.
Thanks, what do you guys think of my aquascaping? It took forever to get everything balanced so it wouldnt fall!


looks good but is it stable once you start adding stuff your going to bump things and fish are going to bump and graze on it so just be sure that its super stable. you might even need to get some epoxy to anchor the unsure rocks I would hate for you to get woke up at night by a crash.


Originally Posted by joncat24
looks like you are off to a great start...keep the pics updated

joncat i have a uncle that used to live in middletown


Bang: Someone just told me that the anemone was a Majono... Is there a way to tell for sure? It doesnt really look like Majano from the hitchikers thread


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Here's a picture of one of my Caribbean Mushroom colonies (Pseudocorynactis).
Thanks! Yeah on my pic I definately see a slit!