First pics of tank!


LOL thanks! This is my first saltwater tank and so I am very thankful to have this forum. The people on here seem to be very friendly and offer great advice *knock on wood*.


I have:
about 30 hermits
2 sally light foots
2 emeralds
1 cleaner shrimp
1 pistol shrimp
1 yellow watchman Goby
1 Mandarine (goby?)
1 yellow tang
1 sailfin tang
1 blue tang
2 fase-perc clowns
It's 120g FOWLR with 100lbs LR and about 100lbs-120lbs LS.
Any suggestions for future fish? I was considering a Royal Gramma or a Psuedochromis (?).


Active Member
Welcome to salty fish.
I would unplug the air line from your powerhead, but I'm not there so I'll let you do it.
He He He...but really, May your fish live long and your green hair remain short.
Best wishes


HAHA! I noticed that too about the air filter (obviously a little too late...), thanks! Hey, are there specific snails or anything you would recommend to help keep the glass clean?


I thought the same thing as I took a picture of my 3 tangs in one picture... oh well. My LFS is extremely reliable and I trust the judgement of my source there who gave me the"go ahead" on it. He has always been very honest when making purchases about what will work and what won't (he is also not on commission). From my observations, they all get a long great and are very healthy.


Active Member
Best snail for clean glass is a Mag Float magnetic scrubber.
I like astrea snails because they're cheap and don't mow over my feathers like the big turbos. Just keep an eye on them so they stay right-side-up. I have a few nassarius as well. My niger was fine with 3 yellow-tails and false percs. They're pretty easy going for triggers.


Thanks, I got the mag-float, just having trouble getting the back of the tank... thanks for the advice! I will definately pick up some astrea snails. I had been debating about getting some turbo snails, but now that I know they mow over feather dusters, that changed my mind. Thanks again!


HAHA, you can see my kitchen in the backround reflecting off the glass! I should have turned off the kitchen lights *rookie mistake*


Active Member
I was gong to say "like pepsi huh???"
but why are you worried about the back black? Do you not want to grow the coraline algea on there? To each their own!


LOL yah, I live on Pepsi! LOL I have never really liked the algea on the glass, just a personal preference. Probably as I get more experienced, I will... funny how things change.


Active Member
yeah.... it is all personal... I didn't want to have to clean 4 sides..... HECK no that is to many.... so I chose 3 to clean!!! :hilarious


honestly, i haven't done it yet. Luckily the powerheads keeps it pretty clean. It seems like it will be a hassel because I'm fairly short (5'6) so I have to stand on a chair really get into the tank. I could be making it out to be a bigger job than it really is. I clean the rest of the glass about once a week.