First pics of tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
honestly, i haven't done it yet. Luckily the powerheads keeps it pretty clean. It seems like it will be a hassel because I'm fairly short (5'6) so I have to stand on a chair really get into the tank. I could be making it out to be a bigger job than it really is. I clean the rest of the glass about once a week.
I love the short people!!!
But if it is a hassle then you can get the scrubber on the sitck!
for longer reach! The longer you wait the harder it becomes... it really starts to get stubborn if you wait too long, then you have to remove it with a streight razor! :scared:


Oh man! I need a scrubber on a stick!!! I don't think I am growing any time soon, so it would probably be a good investment. *LMAO- short people... I'm not too bad! 5'6 is pretty average for a girl!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
Oh man! I need a scrubber on a stick!!! I don't think I am growing any time soon, so it would probably be a good investment. *LMAO- short people... I'm not too bad! 5'6 is pretty average for a girl!
yep you are done growing so just put a scrubber on a stick and go get that algea!!!!


Active Member
didn't you know you are suppose to make your hubby do that ... and you are suppose to dictate what is going on with the tank... but he does all the hard stuff!?!?!?!?!?


Active Member
yep did you read what I put in the other post about his girl friend doing instead... she makes late night calls to fix problems!!! But yeah hubby should be doing the TANK CLEANING!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
My boyfriend wouldn't know what to do with a vacuum if I put it in front of him!
I bet if you put food infront .....or a TV he will know how those work!!!!


LOL yah! That is an understatement! The t.v. is stuck on ESPN. He has so many episodes tivo-ed... what would i do if I didn't have football to watch
... 24 HOURS A DAY


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
LOL yah! That is an understatement! The t.v. is stuck on ESPN. He has so many episodes tivo-ed... what would i do if I didn't have football to watch
... 24 HOURS A DAY
take over and watch soaps!!!!lol