First post, getting third nano tank tomorrow.


Active Member
Hi, been lurking for a few months and just decided to join. I got into saltwater by chance, my 10 gallon freshwater nano pretty much died (light fixture, powerhead) and found a LFS that was selling 15.5 gallon nano's for a 100 bucks each. Ended up buying two, one for my freshwater plant tank that I grow food for my big hog silverdollars in, and I also decided to start into the saltwater hobby and so far at the four month point it has been a lot of fun and I enjoyed the steep learning curve. My current tank has 2 perc clowns, hermits, peppermint shrimp, a few snails and some coral. Interestingly I started the tank with crushed coral out of my LFS tanks and some very well cured live rock and never had a cycle to speak of.
So a visit to the LFS today and they are down to three of these nano tanks at this good price and won't be getting more and I have decided to set-up another one and stock it with different types of mushroom corals, a little different CUC from what I currently have and maybe one fish.
This board has been a wealth of information so far and I doubt my current tank would be doing so well without the help I have got from lurking here.
I really like these little tanks and was warned off them by more experienced people and told to go with a bigger tank, but I am glad I chose to go smaller instead and really been able to customize my current tank for very little money.


Active Member
Well let me be the first to welcome you to the forums!

so are these tanks just plain glass tanks? or are they all in one tanks? tell us about the setup you got goin on, filtration, powerheads, lighting, ect.
and im sure i can speak for everyone when i say post pics!


Active Member
Okay, hopefully there will be a picture with this post. For this tank I have added two additional powerheads mostly hidden by the LR, a air pump piped into the filtration and have about another pound or so of living rock added to the first chamber of the filtration system, the second and third stages have foam with the ceramic filtration media in the top of the chambers. The lighting is just the standard 50/50 that comes with this type of tank.


Active Member
nice it looks good! what brand is it? there are alot of mods out there to get better lights and make a mini fuge for these tanks


Active Member
The brand of these tanks is Pacific Coast. I have thought about doing some more mods on it, but so far everything seems to be going smoothly. I am very lucky and have well water that is very pure and compared to the city water at my old place seems to make a huge difference in the health of my tanks and fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
The brand of these tanks is Pacific Coast. I have thought about doing some more mods on it, but so far everything seems to be going smoothly. I am very lucky and have well water that is very pure and compared to the city water at my old place seems to make a huge difference in the health of my tanks and fish.
so you dont use r/o water? you just use tap water?


Active Member
Nope, no R/O water, just the stuff out of my well. I have been told I am going to have problems with algae growth, but so far I have had no problems. I have never did anything but clean my glass every couple weeks and the pic I took tonight is a couple days short of my two week cleaning. Never touched the rock or gravel either.


Active Member
well good luck with that method in the long run. im sure others will agree with me that that will be detrimental to your inhabitants. do you do water changes? how long has it been running and how long have you had your corals and fish?


Active Member
Tank has been up and running with fish and corals for about 4 months with no loss of livestock. I premix a 5 gallon bucket of water to match my tank water and let it run with a heater and powerheadfor a few days in my garage and change out that amount of water every two weeks. When I say I have extremely pure water, I mean just that, I live in the mountains and it is snowmelt water that pools underground in my little valley and I pump it up through the rock from a depth of 150 ft. We had it tested when we put the well in and it is just water, not too hard or soft and has little if any trace minerals. We also have a good filter system, but after two years I still have not had to change the filters, so it was a waste of money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Tank has been up and running with fish and corals for about 4 months with no loss of livestock. I premix a 5 gallon bucket of water to match my tank water and let it run with a heater and powerheadfor a few days in my garage and change out that amount of water every two weeks. When I say I have extremely pure water, I mean just that, I live in the mountains and it is snowmelt water that pools underground in my little valley and I pump it up through the rock from a depth of 150 ft. We had it tested when we put the well in and it is just water, not too hard or soft and has little if any trace minerals. We also have a good filter system, but after two years I still have not had to change the filters, so it was a waste of money.
well as long as you test frequently and do water changes i guess you will be fine! it looks good so far so keep it up


Right on! Everyone reading this is probably jealous that you don't have to use R/O water, hahaaha. Hope it all keeps rockin for you. I haven't heard of that brand of tank. Killer deal though, they look pretty similar to most other brands. Have fun with tank #3