First protien skimmer?


I just got my first protien skimmer and i wanted to know what kind of good stuff its going to remove like will it remove calicum , micro vert , ect. I want to add anything its going to remove. And does anybody have any miscellaneous tips about skimmers? anything will help , Thanx.


On an unrelated subject , I've just ben hired at my lfs. It is very respectable and i am only sixteen , Im a lucky kid!


New Member
In my tank I found that sure did me some help. I was cleaning glass everyday with magnetic cleaner. Added skimmer now really only clean it twice a week. I bought a Uro reef a really big barely fits under stand but plan to get bigger tank so looked ahead. I notice some inverts shells after skimmer added my opinion they must skim some of the source little crabs need to live. GL Whip


The skimmer will remove lots of good things from the water, as well as the bad things. When using a skimmer, you will need to keep adding your trace elements and test the levels often. I don't believe it will remove calcium or carbonates from the water. Basic maintenance should include checking to make sure you are getting enough air in the water column daily, and emptying the waste every 3-7 days, depending on how productive it is. About once a month you should take the skimmer apart and clean it with warm water. It will work more efficiently if you keep it from getting gunk inside!