First reef tank!

Okay i have had fish for almost my whole life i am trying this for the first time. I wanna start tank. I have everything but lights and i have been on this forum for like a year. Asking and figuring my way around a swt. So after my long intro i finally wanna ask is a 20 gallon to small for a reef tank (jus for starters) :help: Also would you need a protein skimmer or jus a good filter system with water changes. I already have a protein skimmer so if its a toss up so wasting the money i already did so please let me know thanks so much Jon


I can't answer as to whether 20 gal is good for a reef, cant see why not except for the limited contents you could keep. I'm cycling mine right now for a seahorse tank. It of course will take several months but I've seen many 20ga. varieties that are all pretty and interesting. Look at the photograph section on this board! Lots of 20's
:happyfish :happyfish


I myself am new to SW, but everything I have learned here and on other boards and from reading, would suggest that 20g tank isn't too small. Altho, to maintain a smaller reef is a big pain.
The skimmer is a matter of choice. I use one and swear by them. Less water changes and in a small tank I think if you have it you should use it.
Just my .02 worth.


Any tank can be a reef but just remember the smaller the tank the smaller the margin for error is. A larger tank has more water volume and will be more forgiving to problems with water paremeters. If you have the space and the $$$ I would start with something larger that is easier to have success with like a 75g.
for filtration I would go with a good skimmer and lots of LR and LS. Nothing wrong with other types of filters but keeping it simple is always the best IMO. Are you planning on having a sump?
What kind of lighting are you looking to have as this will determine the corals you can keep?