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I was woken up this morning bright and early at 6am by a strage sound. I hopped out of bed to find my eel flopping around on the ground, i quickly put him back in the aquarium and he retreated to his caves. I sealed the back of the aquarium to assure he doesnt escape again. When doing this I also noticed my stingray had finally passed......
I hope my eel and grouper atleast make it..... Atleast now i can add more live rock i guess.
I hope your eel and grouper make it too.
For future reference, even after your tank had cycled and matured, you really don't want to put new fish directly in it anyway. You should have a quarentine tank (QT) that your fish, and some folks also say your coral, a few weeks in after you get them, before you introduce them into your display tank (DT). Once you know they are healthy, then move them from the QT to the DT. TThis will help keep parasites and disease from getting into your DT where they could wipe out lots of work and money very quickly.
Good Luck!