First sump attempt


I have a 26 gal tank that I am turning into a sump for my 80 gal DT. Is there any rule on how big the fuge area should be? Mine is 11 inches. My skimmer area is 8 inches and the return are is 6 inches. Is this OK? :notsure:
Oh ya. I still need another baffle for the return area.


Looks and sounds right so far, what kind of over flow are you going to use to feed it ?, also are you going to feed into your sump direct or thru a filter sock like on a berlin system ???
keep us posted


I was going to use a 600 gph overflow direct feed into the sump. Could you explain the "Berlin System"?????
Also I have a chiller , not yet installed due to my MH lights, With a 600 ghp overflow, could I use a equivelent pump to go from the sump through the chllier and into the tank?


Active Member
I don't have a chiller installed so I can't really answer you there. But I would think that would slow down the flow with an extension going on there....Just something to think about... :happyfish