First Sump


Active Member
Hi... I've decided to build a sump for my 46 bow. My main purpose of doing so is to rid myself of the equipment in the display tank. I'm going to move the heater and protein skimmer to the sump and I'll be able to rid myself of a couple ph's as well. I have ordered an 18g tank for my sump because it is a perfect fit for my stand size.
I'll be the first to say I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to a sump. I've never had one before. But I did goto my lfs today and get some advice and ideas. I have ordered an overflow box and the 18g tank to begin with. Then I'm going to rum flexible hosing to and from the sump. I think recommended a mag drive of some sort for a return pump. My sump idea is going to be rather simple I believe... as it's basically to add a little water volume and to get the equipment under the tank. So I think what I am going to do is use one set of baffles (I think that's what it's called). My lfs suggested using a sponge of some sort inbetween the two baffles to just filter the water a little?
One thing that went through my mind was, what if the power went out? When it came back on, would the siphon still be there from the overflow box? Or would the pump just return the entire sump right into my tank, thus into my floor? They say the siphon is suppose to remain there... but there is the possibility. Is there anyway to guarantee this won't happen?
I'm really looking forward to getting a sump and getting the equipment out of my display tank! If anyone has a simple drawing of what I'm trying to do (remember it's a very simple sump idea) I would love to see how and where exactly to place the baffles.

al mc

Active Member
Frank...I would suggest visiting for DIY plans on sumps/refugiums. He has detailed directions with pictures to help even people
that have never built a sump before.

mr. green

Originally Posted by Al Mc
Frank...I would suggest visiting for DIY plans on sumps/refugiums. He has detailed directions with pictures to help even people
that have never built a sump before.

I agree, this site is excellent for DIY sumps. He has several models of different types. Most important-read how to put it all together. My future sump is based off of his work (have the acrylic pieces cut, need to put them together). As far as plans, take a look as some examples and measure it out to fit your footprint. Take everything into consideration such as heater size, skimmer size, fuge or no fuge, etc. I made mine a little taller so I would have room if the power was to go out.


I'm also trying to figure out if I want to install a sump or not. That website is amazing. good suggestion....


Active Member
That is a great website... I still suck at it though. I'm gonna have to figure it out, and now I want to do a fuge in the sump too. Oh god I'm way in over my head!

mr. green

Originally Posted by FranktheTank
That is a great website... I still suck at it though. I'm gonna have to figure it out, and now I want to do a fuge in the sump too. Oh god I'm way in over my head!
Don't fear, you are not alone!!!

I feel the same way, I got my acrlyic pieces cut and I am soooooo nervous about putting this together. I have read that site at least 20 times so far. Just take your time, measure everything out you want, and get it right the first time. FYI, if you do cut acrylic pieces, make sure to leave a little extra on the bottom base piece to glue you sides to. You want a little extra room to work with and you can always trim it down later if you like.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Mr. Green
Don't fear, you are not alone!!!

I feel the same way, I got my acrlyic pieces cut and I am soooooo nervous about putting this together. I have read that site at least 20 times so far. Just take your time, measure everything out you want, and get it right the first time. FYI, if you do cut acrylic pieces, make sure to leave a little extra on the bottom base piece to glue you sides to. You want a little extra room to work with and you can always trim it down later if you like.
I'm going to do glass. I have already ordered an 18g tank for my sump/fuge. So I'll need to goto a glass shop to have some glass cut. I really have no freaking idea what I'm doing. If anyone lives in the DFW area and would like to hlep me build this thing one day, I'd be glad to pay you something, take you to lunch, anything.
I just know I would screw it up if I did this by myself.
Now once I see it built with my own eyes once... then I could probably build one for anyone.


you are just beaming with confidence....I'm sure you don't give yourself enough credit. I bet you do better than you expect.

al mc

Active Member
Frank...This DYI is not hard. If you have a 'leak' or have a one will ever know. It is a sump, not a DT. My first one (that I still use) has several glue drips and is not carpenter's grade 'square'....but it works great.
The glue sets up quickly so you do not need lots of tools. I cut the first one myself with a circular saw. My later projects turned out better when I had the 'glass company' that I purchased the acrylic from cut it to my specifications. They charges me very little extra to do the cutting (about $25). Good can do it