First SW 35g Hex - Story and Questions


Please feel free to comment, critique, or suggest things about my setup. Right now its set as FOWLR, but I hope to turn to reef after time.
This is my first SW setup, a 35g hex tank. I started with about 40 lbs of crushed coral as substrate, and a day or two after added 30 pounds of live rock. At the same time as the LR, I added 4 damsels, 3 of which are still alive.
My noob mistakes I'll admit are as follows: Ive used about 10 gallons of RO/DI water from the LFS, but the rest is all tap. I know this is a no-no, so don't shoot me yet. I am on a budget but I will do what it takes - may eventually buy a RO/DI system. I do not have a QT because I'm in an apartment and space is an issue. I also do not have a skimmer because of the akward size of the hex, but I think I can live without for the time being.
The equipment I use is an emporer 280 filtration, a UV filter which also adds flow (the LFS guy talked me into buying this UV filter, which I've since read is virtually useless, nonetheless its paid for and installed). It does sorta act as a powerhead, so at least its doing something. I also have a heater and keep the temp at about 81. The lighting is a current USA Power Compact 24 inch 65wx2 which sits about 7 inches above the water line. I do not have a top on the tank, because I haven't found anything sutiable to fit the hex, and the stock one wouldn't work with the light.
As far as the chemistry, the salinity has stayed around 1.021, the PH has stayed 8.2, and the Nitrites have always been 0. The nitrates started at 10ppm, and raised today to 20ppm. I also saw signs of ammonia for the first time recently, but very low, .25 ppm. The water does stay very visiably clear. The additives that I use are Instant Ocean PH booster, and purpleup liverock clenser. I feed them a mix of frozen brine shrimp and flakes. I do regular 10% water changes and one 30% about 2 weeks ago. I do regular topoffs with fresh water.
Mid February when I added the upgraded light, I also added a tomato clown and a singapore angelfish. The clown is kind of a spaz, but seems very healthy. The angel is more chill, and loves to hide out in the caves of the LR. He often feeds off of the junk on the live rock. When I added the light and the fish, a few days later I had a nasty outbreak of brown algae, which lasted a few days. Once I scarped it off the LR, substrate, and sides by hand, it seemed to dissapate, and I haven't seen any more growing, everything looks clean now.
I'm looking for the "cycle" which I cannot identify if this has happened yet. All my measurements have never been 0 - nitrates always been nagging me. I'm wanting to add more creatures, inverts, coral, etc. but I don't believe its ready yet. What are your opinions on the time line of adding more life?
Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading.


Heres a quick shot of the bottom of the tank. There is little surface space because the tank is so tall. See the angel picking at the LR



So blast me with your thoughts. Seeing some of the beautiful pics of tanks on this forum is giving me the sickness. What can I do with the lighting unit I have? I do not plan to purchase stronger lighting for this particular tank. The long term plan is having 100g+ but that is a few years down the road in another house.


Heh I'll post some more pics over the next few days. Looking at some of the beautiful tanks on here there isn't much to see with mine. It's still basically a skeleton with LR.


It's been up for about 35 days now.
I'm very intrigued by much of the aqua scaping I've seen here. Especially how some have used PVC pipes to build rocks upward. I think this is the direction I have to go. Right now there is a ton of open space on the top half of the tank.

eric b 125

welcome to! you'll find a lot of info here. it looks like you're off to a decent start, but there are some things that i would personally change before adding any more livestock. i would nix the CC and go for aragonite substrate. CC can be a real pain to keep clean. if you want to go reef, i would suggest adding a little more LR. its tough to add equipment on a round or hex tank, but you should maybe consider adding a HOB skimmer. people do run tanks w/o skimmers, but i'm one of those people that swear by their usefulness. is there a background on the tank, i didnt really look for one when i could see your pics. i think that if you decide to take out the CC you could move the tank to a corner in the room, putting a flat-pane of glass in the corner so you could slide the skimmer in the space and at put a background on 3 panes of glass. depending on how much work you want to do, you could add an overflow box or drill the tank and add a sump, but a hob skimmer will be a step in the right direction. did you read about the nitrogen process?


Active Member
I own a 42 gallon hex. I started out with the same light fixture as you currently have. I kept all softies and lps. Once you get those water parameters in check you can start by adding some softies. Mushshrooms are a safe softie that is hardy.
About 3 months ago I decided that I did not like having so much rockwork only at the bottom of the tank like you do. I took the rock out and drilled a few pieces and I used acrylic rods to stack them. It opened up a ton of room on my sandbed.
Lighting these tanks can be a challenge. I currently have a coralife clip on 150 watt MH fixture over it. I came accross it at a LFS at a cheap price.


Few more Pics with the cell. Sorry for the blurryness. Heres the full tank. I really do need a background. to hide some of the funk in the back.


Took the plunge and added the first coral.. looking good so far. Haven't seen the angel act like it wants to nip on it, we shall see.


I'm going to bring this one back to life and keep it as an ongoing journal..
Haven't added any clean up crew or additional corals yet, those things are yet to come. Also thinking about getting a skimmer and a sump. As stated above this is my first experience with saltwater, so I think a 35g is a good size to make my mistakes so I'm ready for something ridiculously big in the future.
So things are great, all the Tomato Clow, the Singapore Angel, and the 3 small blue damesels seem very healthy.
Water perameters are in check, everything good, just about a steady 10-20ppm Nitrates.
I added a small powerhead, #2 in size (cant thing of the brand name now but its the popular one) to supplement the flow of the UV unit and keep the water moving.
I went away for almost two weeks and found the thing covered with green algae, but a good cleaning has it back to clean.
The clown and the angel control the tank, and even tease at chomping down one of the damsels when they feed, its fun to watch.
I saw the clown find a chunk of brine shrimp that sank quickly to the bottom, took a bite, then very delibrately found the angel, and guided him straight to it - bumped him hard and put his nose right in it. Thought that was a nice gesture!


Haven't updated in a while. The tank has been up a bit over 4 months. Still the same 5 fish seem pretty healthy. I was previously calling the damsels blues, but there actually chromis. I added a CuC a month ago with about 12 snails and 1 hermit.
I became apparent that one of my pieces of LR came from the store covered in purple coraline algae. I think this is helping it spread to other parts of the tank. Its spreading slowly. Unfortunetly, this particular rock is also growing a large amount of red slime algae. It is not critical, just a bit unsightly. I'm still using tap water, which measures about .5ppm phosphates, so this may be what is fueling the slime.
I recently added a few pulsing xenias and new zoas to give the tank more reef. Can somebody ID the coral up top that resembles a bubbletip anenome? I can't remember the name of it.
The Octupus 110 HOB skimmer has also been up and running for about 2 weeks. It works great. Typically I have it pulling thick black stuff, but I decided to try to run it a bit wet to pick up some floating particles, as I had just done a 30% water change.
Still, my biggest regret is setting the tank up with a Crushed Coral bed, rather than sand. However, I dont plan to make the change. CC was the norm for a long time and people made it work. I'm going to ride it out and just use Live Sand later down the road when I set up something bigger.
I loaded up some carbon yesterday in the emp media filter and will run that for the next day or two, the tank went back to a nice bright tint to it. Also picked up a magfloat cleaner, pricesless!
Regardless of the video, the tank is actually quite colorful in person, the blue background sets it off nicely. I'm pretty happy how its turning out.

First video!
I apolgoize for the quality, its a cellphone cam.