First Tangs added to new tank


New Member
I have chosen the Tangs that I want to put in my tank, but I am confused on what order to add them. I have been told by many people that you should always add Tangs at the same time. However, I have also been told by many other people that you don't have to do that, you can add them one at a time, least aggressive first. Their reasoning is that, if you have an established tank and a Tang dies, you will have to add one, not at the same time, if you wish to replace it.
The three Tangs are a Blue Hippo, Sailfin and a Sohal. Can someone give me some insight on the best way to introduce these fish to my tank with the least amount of stress possible?
BTW, I've read many posts that get completely off topic when it comes to Tangs and tank size. I have chosen these three fish, and intend on getting these three fish. While I appreciate everyone's opinion on Tangs, I have already made the fish choice. What I need help with is proper placement, so please do not turn this thread into a discussion on the inability to keep these three Tangs in my tank.
Thank you!


Originally Posted by HChellette
I have chosen the Tangs that I want to put in my tank, but I am confused on what order to add them. I have been told by many people that you should always add Tangs at the same time. However, I have also been told by many other people that you don't have to do that, you can add them one at a time, least aggressive first. Their reasoning is that, if you have an established tank and a Tang dies, you will have to add one, not at the same time, if you wish to replace it.
The three Tangs are a Blue Hippo, Sailfin and a Sohal. Can someone give me some insight on the best way to introduce these fish to my tank with the least amount of stress possible?
BTW, I've read many posts that get completely off topic when it comes to Tangs and tank size. I have chosen these three fish, and intend on getting these three fish. While I appreciate everyone's opinion on Tangs, I have already made the fish choice. What I need help with is proper placement, so please do not turn this thread into a discussion on the inability to keep these three Tangs in my tank.
Thank you!
I would put the sailfin in first then the blue hippo then the sohal last if it was me. The sohal is one of the meanest out of those tangs that you picked. Good luck


Originally Posted by HChellette
Are you saying to add them separately in that order, or all at once in that order?
You can add them separately if you want to. If you going to add them separately you should add them in that order, But if you want to add them in all at once it do not matter which one you put in first.