First Tank Pic


Hello this is my 12 gallon aquapod. any input would be great tips for tank or pic taking. tank is still cycling. Thanks for looking..... Do you see anything good in there....


Active Member
Looks good... is there hair algae on the rocks?? If so, shutting the lights off for a couple weeks would help. Now is the time to deal with it sense the tank is still cycling.


Active Member
The brown looks like diatom algae... very normal for a new tank. The patches of green at the top is what I was referring to... kind of hard to see through.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FORD81502
what does hair algea look like. there is a lot of brown algea on it.
What Reefnut is referring to is the green hairy stuff on the algae...pretty hard to get rid of, especially when you have livestock in the tank. I agree, turn the lights off, then re-acclimate the tank to the lights to prevent future growth.
I LOVE your rock work, BTW. That's gonna be a really cool looking tank!!
Lisa :happyfish


yeah it is green is that bad... should i leave the lights off for a while???? There is also little purple globs around the green stuff.. thanks for the help


the purple pink stuff is coralline algae, very good you want it around. hair algae means phosphates normally.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stephish
the purple pink stuff is coralline algae, very good you want it around. hair algae means phosphates normally.....
Yep. Look at your lighting schedule and cut it the tank in direct sunlight? Also, are you feeding the tank? Are you using tap water? All sources of phosphates...
Once you have the hair under control, the coraline should be able to take off.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by FORD81502
no sunlight ro water maybe to much light what do you suggest??? no feeding either
What kind of lights are you using on your tank? It probably isn't going to be much of a schedule change actually. When I did my tank switch 2 weeks ago, I had very established rock in my tank that I transferred. I also did a light upgrade at that time and unfortunately (without thinking) I kept my timers at the same time I had on my other tank which was 8 hours for the 150 mhs, 10 hours for white lunars, and 23/7 for the blues (no actinics on my Sunpod).
Since then, I've noticed a slight bloom in the tank and 2 days ago I switched my 250mhs to 6 hours, blue actinics to 8 hours, and lunars 24/7. In that little bit of time, I'm seeing a difference...not a huge difference mind you, but nothing in this hobby is overnight.
I hope this helps. For the record, I battled hair algae in my first tank as well. I introduced it on a rock that had tons of tiny featherdusters. If nothing else, pull the rock out and scrape the hair off with a new soft toothbrush...that'll learn 'em!!
Keep us posted on your progress.
Lisa :happyfish


i have the basic sun paq lights that came with the tank. i will leave them off for a week or so.. i will also clean the rock.. then cut back on the lights... will keep u posted..thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by FORD81502
no feeding either
Is there anything to feed?? If not, do not add any food. What are your water's ammonia, nitrite & nitrate levels??
Originally Posted by SaltyNoob

Is hair algae a bad thing?
yes... hair algae is a pain.


The purple stuff looks like red slime imo. I use to have some red slime problems and I just would add some UltraLife red slime remover and it would be gone in a couple of days.


i scrubed the green algea off the top rock when i do get to add inverts are there any that eat green hair algea???


Active Member
Well yes but not well... that's one thing that makes it such a pain. I have not found any inverts that do a really good job eating hair algae except for a Sea Hare... and even they are not an efficient means of control IMO. Also your tank is to small to maintain one.
The main way to deal with hair algae is through nutrient control. Adding your clean up crew will help because they will comb the tank for excess food and debris.
So... nutrient control...
Do not overfeed
Use RO/DI or Distilled water for water changes and top off water
Do regular water changes
Do not overstock the tank
Good Skimmer
Add a refuge
Good Circulation (so debris does not collect in an area and rot)
Clean Up Crew - Including Hitchhikers
Using LR and LS
I'm sure I'm missing something...