First time be gentle


Ok here is my first attempt at attaching a picture of my tank. borrowed the camera and took this on Dec 25. It's a picture of the left side of the tank with some of my favorite corals and fish friends


It failed saying file too big. I'm trying to crop now. Did not know there was a 1 MB limit. I wish it would not post on failure I look like an idiot


Here is an image resizer and thumbnail maker that I wrote earlier this week. You can download it from my site at :
it does a nice job of resizing and compressing images... it is available to those at this forum at no cost. I did not include gif of tiff support on this version. The file size about 872kb and should not take to long to download. You can just save it on your desktop and run it from there.
If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at
Best wishes...


Ok Kelly! If this works, your the best!!! If it doesn't... <smile> I'm sure it was me! Thanks in advance!!!


that is a great program. thanks alot! i was searching for one and i came across your post. saved me alot of time. works like a charm,


TangTang and Von_Rahvin,
I am glad it works well for you. It was written for those on this forum. I have a few other programs that will resize images, but I did not know if many on this forum had one, so I decided to write one.
I have seen so many large images, more so in the past, and especially those that have their own web pages. I have a dialup connection( I live on a farm in a very rural area), and it takes forever to view the images, so I did it more for me...
Just consider the program as a late Christmas present to all on the forum. I have learned alot, hope I have contributed atleast a little, and wish everyone the best of luck with there tanks. Knowledge is a wonderful thing, the things we learn here if presented in a book could cost a fortune. How do you put a price tag on a person's lifetime knowledge and experiences.
I have a little knowledge when it comes to writing programs, and thought I would share it with all.
Again Happy Holidays !!!


Kelly: Again, YOU'RE THE BEST!!!
Heather: Thanks for your comments on the rockwork. It is still in progress; but, your support is very much appreciated! Friend of my tonight asked why I didn't putty things in place... Putty! But then how would I move things every few days?! <smile>
Not sure if it is maiden's hair. But, thanks!!! Now, I have a name I can look up!
I was told it was "grass algae" LOL! I love it! I don't do a thing with it! It, along with a few mushrooms, survived the death of my BTA. Only, the muck didn't seem to faze the hair/grass a bit. I still have mushrooms trying to make a come back. Boy, what a mistake the BTA was! (Good LFS-Bad Customer)
Anyway, since it was sold as hair algae and I'm such a newbie, I freaked everytime someone here mentioned their tanks being over taken by it!!! And, of course, I went out and paid money for the stuff!!! I've since seen the problem algae much to my relief!
The hair/grass continues to grow over the rock it came on. I've got a small piece of LR rubble resting on it now hoping it will jump! <SMILE> I'd like to put some in each of my tanks for free!!!


Active Member
beautiful and tanks for sharing tang tang
KELLY, I just want to say thank you for the effort, I am sure taht many of us may benefit from it. I intend to get and use it soon, myself. It is so nice to see others here are always trying to help each other out, not onlyin sw but in other areas too. YOu guysa re all soooooooooo great and make this the brotherhood it should be.:D


Kelly Thanks a million.I just resized and my file appears to be proper size to post . OK like I said in the subject the picture is not that great but i'm new at this, Again, Kelly thanks you!!