First time I have quarantined anything


I bought a coral beauty angle fish Friday and put it into my cycled quarantine tank. It is a 12 gal Bio cube with some PVC in it.
I'm a little concerned because the fish still has not taking to any of the food I have put in there. I've tried flakes, pellets, and greens I even tried a little krill.
his behaver seems good maybe a Little shy liking to hide in the PVC all night. He did come out this morning when the light came on. Does anyone know how long it takes to get them to take some food??


They can take a few days to get comfortable. Be sure that the water quality is good. I wouldn't expect the CB to eat flakes or pellets yet. Offer foods like frozen formula foods without a gel binder. These foods contain a variety of ingredients. The kind in a flat package does not contain the gel. If you cannot find that then mysis will work, but does not contain much nutrition. Once he starts eating then he will accept most kinds of food.


Active Member
What are your tank parameters? Nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, PH and temp? Was your QT cycled before you put the coral beauty in it? Where did you get the CB from?


Originally Posted by awilson500
are these the ones that are frozen cubes???
Mysis comes in a cube. The frozen formula, without the gel binder, comes in a flat package.
I am sorry for your loss. Do you know why it died? Have you checked your tank readings?