first time trigger owner


I was given a clown trigger [along with an 80g tank] by a guy that didn't want it anymore. He has a clown in it as well but I'm not sure what I can put in the tank with the trigger. It needs more than 2 fish in there. The tank is fully set up and has been established for 4 years.


Active Member
Could you tell us a bit about your filtration and tank? maybe share some pictures too? it will help us help you.


Active Member
I belive that trigger will get very aggressive and grow to big for that tank....BUT you may keep it in that size tank for awhile depending how big it is.


Active Member
triggers are known to be highly territorial fish they should be introducd to a tank last so when introducing new tank mates to the display I suggest removing him to do so move the rocks around a bit to rearrange the scenery.this will make all of your fish less agressive they will all have to claim new territory.not doing this may result in fatal agressiveness amoung tank mates


I would post pics but I can't because I am posting from my sidekick. As soon as I get my comp back I will put pics up. The tank is an 80g show. So its long. The tank has around 60lb of live rock and I'm in the process of switching out the crushed coral for figi pink sand. I am going to do about a 2 inch bed. The tank has a fluval 404 filter, a uv steralizer[? Brand], a protien skimmer that has no markings on it but works good. I may trade it out for a bakpak dual. It has a corallife light hood quad bulb set up. I belive its 46 inches long. And 2 power heads in it. I love the coloring on the fish but the tank is starting to get overrun with green alge and I was told anything I put in there to eat it will get eaten by the trigger by my lfs. I may have to get rid of it because I want to add more fish unless there are some I can put in with him. He's about 5 to 6 inches long. My lfs said eventhough he is very healthy they will only give me 20 tops in store credit for him. Sorry for long post. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Radiolotek
Any suggestions on what to put in the tank with it?
Rock, sand and water....or, any other fish/invert you feel is disposable.


Active Member
to be completly honest id get rid of the trigger its just not the type you want to have in your tank before everything else goes in .he may do fine for a long time but then again you might be buying alot of fish right away because of it.some are more dosile than others but you never know with these guys until it may be too late
ps I hope thats a moroon clown hes with if not he may end up as lunch


Active Member
Let me tell you a story. When I recieve my new fish from christmas I made a big mistake. I didn't move any of my rock work around and that caused a fish death. My butterfly fish would sleep out side of my eels den and right next to my niger trigger. When i came home from the lfs the butterflyfish was torn apart
If i could rewind time, i would of moved those rocks around.


Active Member
I'm kinda 50/50 on the moving the rocks around to tame down aggression twards new fish. My niger has a rock with a hole in it. thats his rock and he knows its his rock . he will find this rock no metter how you arange the rock work and he will deffend it as soon as he finds it. any hermit or snail that goes near it will be kindly removed to the middle of the tank. he bites them and swims away from the rock and drops them. He doesn't eat them


There are 4 fish in the tank sorry I was mistaken at first. I have no idea what 2 of them are. I will find out tomorrow. I know the clown is a percula. And there is a blue velvet somthing. Lol you all are going to think I'm retarted. They all have been together for I think he said 2 years. Do the triggers become agressive after time if they aren't already? By the way I don't know exactly what's in it cause I am picking up the tank tomorrow. Btw, anyone have suggestions for moving the tank in the cold without loosing any fish. They will be in buckets in the cab of the truck but I'd hate to have ay of them die.


Active Member
Velvet? :notsure: Maybe a damsel. It will get mean if it's not already and it will hold it own against a trigger of equal size.
Get a styrofoam beer cooler from the store. nothing fancy is needed . and fill it with tank water.