first time water tester


I have a 90 gal tank and it is doing pretty well. I have just tested my water for one of the first times and my #'s were: no3 was 20 amonia was .5 p.h. is 8.2 and no2 is 0. Is there anything to worry about and if so what remedies should I try? Also what other tests besides copper should should be done?


How long has your tank been set up. Do you have LR/LS. If you just set it up things look good and your on your way to being cycled. Good luck.


The tank was up and running for years. It was given to me, It prob has maybe 60 to 80 lbs of rock. I tried to save all water and bio balls were not disturbed.


Just so I understand correctly, you were given a tank and you moved it to a new location. If this is the case your tank is probably going through a cycle do to the moving of the tank. it will settle quick enough.