First time with saltwater fish.



Hello everyone! I am new to the hobby and am looking for some research before i start buying things and what not. How easy are the clown fish to take care of and what should i get along with the fish (aquarium sizes...and other products). I am really interested in Clown Fish and know that i should get an Anemone with it, but I need to know how to take care of them and how hard it will be. I am going to be in college and plan on bringing my tank with me, actually buying the tank and setting everything up at my dorm. Thanks!


Active Member
Having a anemone with clown fish is nice but it is not necessary. Depending on which kinda clowns you're interested in they have different amounts of care needed and different behaviors and different anemone requirements... its best to do research on which ones you would like to have first so you can work things around them :)


Best not to have an anemone unless you can afford the lighting to support it. Proper lighting is the single most important ingreadiant for these photosynthetic animals. Another thing to point out is that clownfish do not have to have an anemone to survive.
It can be done in as little as a 30 gallon tank and about 200 +- watts of VHO or PC lighting, depending on the anemone, more lighting is usually better. Then there is keeping the water as good and stable as possible, (no tap water). After the tank is setup and cycled you should wait 6 months to a year for it to mature before adding an anemone..
If a collage student far from home and you go home for holidays or vacation then you will have to have someone with knowledge to care for your tank, you can't just let it go a few days without any attention unless you have auto feeders and auto water top offs. Just something to think about.


Active Member
Unless you have a large dorm room (rare...but they are out there), you may want to think twice about having a 20 gal tank in there. I'd suggest moving into your dorm first, wait about 2 months to get the feel and then get a tank if you still want one. You may end up moving to a different room the first few happens......often, and fish don't like being packed up and moved.
For a beginner, I would suggest no smaller than a 20 gal tank....30 is better. You will need some live sand, it least 10 pounds of live rock, two small powerheads for water circulation, and a good HOT (hang-on-tank) filter. I recommend a whisper, reliable, inexpensive and widely available filters.
Be prepared for changing out the water WEEKLY!!! You will have to drain, and fill 2-3 gallons (10% of your tank volume) EVERY WEEK!!!!! Not to mention changing your filter pads.
Forget having an anemone. They need a large tank (for beginners), lots of lighting (hundreds of $$) and your clowns don't need one in the least. save getting that for when you graduate.


New Member
hello, if you are interested in starting a tank and do not want to have to go and buy eveything from store to store and do not want to wait for cycling, then i have the tank for you, im selling eveything..its a 55gal oak tank with stand, turbo fluter, fluval canister filter, crushed coral, pc lights,heater,rock,chemicals, iso tank with heater, filter and air stone, meds, a yellow tang, two clown fish, snails,shrimp,crabs, and stuff im sure i forgot to name. the tank is only 6months old..i am asking $900 for everything im in the ohio area, and shipping is not or email
it is a good but much more then 900 in the tank