fish 4 30 gallon tank


Depends on the size of the fish. I would suggest 2-3 very small fish. Fish that in adult size reach no more than 2-3". A pair of clowns would be a good addition. You could also look at a royal gramma, or bengaii cardinal.
The rule of thumb is 1" of adult fish per 5 gallons of water. You can push this a little but not much without crashing your tank. In a 30 gallon tank you could safely have 6-8 onches of fish. I know that is not much...sorry. HTH


My mother housed 2 percs, lemon-peel angel, and a six-line wrasse fine for about 4 months. I then took out the angel today because it started eating the polyps. I think three fish is fine, four might be pushing it.