Fish Acting Strange


Moved my tank on Friday, so far all is well except for a clown fish acting a bit wierd. He is staying behind the lip of the filter near the top of the tank. I added a new powerhead so could th ecurrent at the bottom be to strong? Where he is is the most calm spot in the tank. Other parameters are fine.
Ph 8.2
Nitrites 0
Amm .15
Nitrates .20
Sg 1.021
Temp 72


Active Member
i know that if fish are entering other fishes terrtory the other will chase him away. maybe the other fsh have taken all the space. if thats it, they wont let him eat and will eventually kill him


h is th eonly fish in the tank, all of my inverts are fine, so I dont think its a water problem otherwise they would be affected
More salt of more fresh water the intank Sg gauge is jumping all over from 1.02 to 1.03, the external hand held is off the scale at like 1.035 what gives