Fish and lighting questions for a 72 gallon tank please help!


New Member
I was wandering if someone could tell me how many fish i would be able to have in my 72 gallon tank. I am going to do a reef tank and would also like to know what kind of lighting would be best, how much it would cost and what kind of clean up crew would be best. Thank You!


Depends on how big the fish are but figure about 1" per 5 gallons(adult size) so figure 10-14 inches for you. Of course some fish arent right for that size tank at all regardless of their size.
Lighting depends on what you want to keep, just fish or corals. How long is the tank and what do you want to keep?
Clean up crew depends on what fish and how much live rock you have


New Member
The tank is about 2' foot deep, 4' foot long and about 1.5' wide. I am really not sure on what kind of fish yet, but i will have at least half of the tank full of lr. I don't plan on having any annenomes'. I will also have ls on the bottom.


any corals? That will determine the lighting.
If you have half the tank full of lr, say 100 lbs you probably start with like 10 turbo snails, 10 nassarius snails, 25 hermits and see if thats enough. may need a little more but i like to start small and add if they dont do enough. This is of course after the tank is set up and cycled.