I just reciently returned from a week vacation on the Oregon Coast to find out that my CB Shrimp and orange diamond goby were gone without a trace.
I had a friend feed the fish once a day with a specific amount of food for each day. A couple of weeks before going i added some live rock and had a cleaner shrimp die a couple of weeks after doing so. Thought he just got into a fight with the CBS but it appears that I was wrong. I think i might have gotten some kind of a pest with the live rock but I'm not sure. The water quality is good everthing is at 0 except for nitrates which are at 10ppm and I Just did a water change. Does anybody else have an Idea what it could be? Or could you help me find a link on how to make a trap to capture what ever might be in my tank. I'm thinking it is some thing like a mantis shrimp. Thanks