fish are dropping like flys


New Member
Ive had about six of my fish die in the last week, my blue tang, my nasial tang, both my midas blennies, clown, fox face, um bi color angel, maderain gobie, um yellow lemon peel, and tears roll down my eyes. what could be the problem ive checked waters ph, nitrate, nitrite, and amionia all are in check im about sick of it, if anyone can help i stupid kid out would be much appreciated. Um dont no what to do other than wait and see if they will all kick the bucket........


New Member
its been running for 2 years but i bought it six months ago and we used everything he had filter water adn even had fish with it


New Member
question? do you clean the outside of your tank with windex or anything like that? also, do you use carpet fresh, have an exterminator come in? my point is that if you use any of these things that could be whats causeing your fish to die. i assume your water tests out good?? ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,ph,salinity,temperature?have you checked your oxygen levels?


New Member
nope had a cow fish a yellow angel 2 fire fish and scooter blennie thats it, and i use windex to clean how do you check the oxygen level


when a cowfish kamikazies it will kill eerything else. it does sound like your tank was WAY overstocked. did the fish show any signs of ilness? ick can take out fish like that quite quickly and usually with days of each other.
Can you put remaining fish in a hospital tank? Have you been doing water changes, something is in there and it probably will take your other fish.


my bet is on the cow fish releasing toxins. i had ,or should i say my cousin had, a simular thing happen where all his fish died within days of each other after we moved the tank. the only fish that lived was the box <. .>

mike j

perhaps it did indeed have to do with what you do water changes with. Do you use a metal pot or anything for water changes?


I definately suspect the cowfish's toxin is the culprit. The cowfish swim so slow and its only defense is its toxin. Did you see any fish harassing the cowfish ? If so, maybe it just release those harmful toxin on the water. Assuming you don't have carbon activated filter in it, chances are the toxin just build up and eventually lead to the demise of your other fishes. Sorry too hear about the losses.


I just think the Bio load of the tank
It can't take it any more. I think you have too many fishes in that 55 G tank


New Member
it could be the cow fish. I had one where it killed everything in my tank. i would never recommand a cow fish to anyone. my lfs told me that there is a way to detox them with some kind of fresh water dip, i am not quite sure about about how its done but does anyone have information on this


You definalty had too many fish. I think tangs should go in a 75 at the least. Where do you go to get fish? Do they keep the fish for about a week to make sure nothing is wrong with them? If they don't that might be your problem. I went to ***** and they were selling the fish right when they got them! Now the place I go to keeps the fish for about a week until letting them go to a new home. All the fish I got there are perfectly happy :) and diesless.


david you are way overstocked. I have a 55 gallon with four fish. Also STOP using windex on the glass the amonia gets in the tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also be careful to use any containers that may have touched other chemicals.
good luck