Fish ate bristle worm


Active Member
I have a maroon clownfish. I Pickud up a large bristle worm (with tongs) and put it back. It cought the flow of the power head and started drifting. My maroon started to nip at it. Now he is constantly opening his mouth. Will he be okay?

it's chuck

He probably got stuck in the mouth (they call them bristle/fire worms for a reason). He should be fine, uncomfortable for a few days but fine


New Member
My Huma Huma trigger ate one and swam around with it sticking out of its mouth. This was 3 months ago. He or she is still alive today. Didn't seem to hurt at all.


Staff member
Well, if you have every gotten one of the bristles stuck on you, you won't wonder why it would be very bothersome. Best to just leave these worms alone, let them do their job in aquaria.