Fish behavior question?

I have a Sergent Major Damsel and I just added a Gold Stripe Maroon Clown of similar size tonight. The Clown ate some during feeding and the Damsel was his usual self and ate like a pig (he is much faster than the clown) I have watched them since I added the clown because I have heard of Damsels being aggressive and while I haven't seen any nipping I have noticed that every once in a while the damsel will swim up, turn his back on the clown, wave his tail in the clown's face, then go about his business. Is this a sign of aggression or anything? should I be worried? They have been in the tank together about 2 hours.
Oh and one more question. Is there anything that eats fish poo?
clowns r damsels thats why they can both be aggressive. i think the SD is just being a wise guy just letting the clown know he was here first. snails and cleaner crew can eat poo but poop again neway. circle of life lol
Ok Thanks, so no worries with the Damsel? I will keep a close eye on them anyway. I will have to get some snails what snails with clean the sand?


Active Member
Get nassarius (sp) snails, really cool. They hide under the sand and then raise up to feed, kinda've like zombies.
Originally Posted by Farslayer
Get nassarius (sp) snails, really cool. They hide under the sand and then raise up to feed, kinda've like zombies.
like zombies? lol yeah nasssarius snails r great but come out when they smell food or at nite. its funny cuz when the lights r off theyll come out and and u turn on the room lite and ur like wtf? o.o? lol. those and turbo snails r greatalso urchins